The Klassix Auto Batmobile came up I thought recently in our local rag of a newspaper, I tried searching for the article to no avail but IIRC it was about the ongoing court case specifically for the Batmobile. Two or three parties were involved fighting over the back track sale of the car, and Klassix Auto was in bankruptcy and I guess had a loan to purchase the Batmobile.
No mention of Barris involved in the case, fingers pointing here and there, Think the Klassix guy pocketed big cash and banks were chasing him, he was going after whoever he bought the car from and I think the auction house was involved as many cars from that museum were liquidated.
Never had a follow up article about the outcome of the case so don't know really what the end all was.
We all locals shook our heads when they built the Museum out by the Flea Market, the lot was kinda weird as it didn't have proper 'Frontage' and was confusing to get into the place. They thought they would get exposure too the I-95 traffic but it is at the confusing 1-95 & I-4 interchange (more confusing now, TY FDOT) and you couldn't really notice it even from ISB the main boulevard that Daytona Speedway is on. Doomed to fail. The only article I found was when the museum closed in 2003 and a bigazz wanna'b MotorCycle Dealership moved in to the building, FAIL, then it turned into some kind of Restaurant gambling joint called Lucky's which didn't last long now it's a "Shop, Shoot, Eat & Drink" Gun Range with a "upscale whiskey bar & grill" another head shaker but I just checked the web and via the glitzy webpage seems to be doing well. We all thought bad idea, sort of gun range theme park for the Florida man to get liquored up and shoot off guns. Check it out.
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Volusia Top Gun. Shop, Shoot, Eat & Drink in Daytona Beach