Big Blue, the 67 Crown Coupe - Managing Director Edition

Last night, my leg got really bad and I had to go to the ER. Now, I'm back in the hospital for the same problem I had before: some kind of muscle infection. I guess the original problem was not fixed completely last time. This is getting really tiresome and more importantly, interferes with my car hobby. I'll never get the Imp done at this rate.

Dave: Very sorry to hear you are still plagued with this leg ailment. I hope you get this thing fixed soon, so you can get back to that dip-stick upgrade. Please continue to keep us in the loop.
Dave: Very sorry to hear you are still plagued with this leg ailment. I hope you get this thing fixed soon, so you can get back to that dip-stick upgrade. Please continue to keep us in the loop.

I got the dipstick done as soon as I could limp around the garage.

I appreciate the support and sympathy I've received from everybody here.

Meanwhile, back in the hospital... in a few hours I will undergo a minor surgery to clear out the infected area inside my calf muscle. The doctors say they have never seen anything like this before. Fingers crossed, etc...
I got the dipstick done as soon as I could limp around the garage.

I appreciate the support and sympathy I've received from everybody here.

Meanwhile, back in the hospital... in a few hours I will undergo a minor surgery to clear out the infected area inside my calf muscle. The doctors say they have never seen anything like this before. Fingers crossed, etc...

Dave: I sure hope they can get ahead of this soon. Any thoughts regarding other opinions / consults?
I got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon and look forward to getting back to work on Big Blue in a few days. The kind support of folks in this forum is much appreciated.

WARNING: If you are uncomfortable with medical details, do not read the rest of this post.

The infection in my calf muscle was suction-drained 3 times while I was under treatment. However, the infection is still there. To eliminate what remains, I will inject a high-powered antibiotic into my blood via an IV port 3 times every 24 hours for 4 weeks. If that doesn't do the job, I'll have surgery. The good news is that this disease, Pyomyocitis has a maximum fatality rate of only 2% when treated.
good news Dave! glad to hear you are on the road to recovery! :thumbsup:

sounds like the treatment is a pain in the ***, but as long as it takes care of the infection, it's all worth it in the end!
I got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon and look forward to getting back to work on Big Blue in a few days. The kind support of folks in this forum is much appreciated.

WARNING: If you are uncomfortable with medical details, do not read the rest of this post.

The infection in my calf muscle was suction-drained 3 times while I was under treatment. However, the infection is still there. To eliminate what remains, I will inject a high-powered antibiotic into my blood via an IV port 3 times every 24 hours for 4 weeks. If that doesn't do the job, I'll have surgery. The good news is that this disease, Pyomyocitis has a maximum fatality rate of only 2% when treated.

Holy crap, Dave. What a huge hassle this has been for you. We are pulling for your complete recovery from this horrible nightmare.
Thanks, again, gents!

I hope my experience with an "out-of-the-blue" health problem will serve as a reminder not to tolerate unexplained pain that persists for no apparent reason. Prompt treatment makes a huge difference in outcome.
Hey Dave my wife had to fight off a nasty infection using very strong antibiotics so she has a couple of words of caution. Strong antibiotics kill good and bad flora so be careful to not contract C.Difficile (the infection my wife got from antibiotic use) and to add Acidophilis to your diet to replace the good bacteria in your gut that the strong stuff destroys. Probiotic yogurt helps but not a medical advise not a replacement for Doctors' orders disclaimer inserted here
Hey Dave my wife had to fight off a nasty infection using very strong antibiotics so she has a couple of words of caution. Strong antibiotics kill good and bad flora so be careful to not contract C.Difficile (the infection my wife got from antibiotic use) and to add Acidophilis to your diet to replace the good bacteria in your gut that the strong stuff destroys. Probiotic yogurt helps but not a medical advise not a replacement for Doctors' orders disclaimer inserted here

Thanks for the heads-up!
I'm improved enough that I can hobble around without the walker. So, I got back into my garage and tried to start Big Blue. Nada. Not even a door light. My superduper "intelligent" battery charger said the lump under the hood wasn't even a battery. Since the electrical work I had done in November was fully warranted, I had AAA flatbed the car to that shop. Sure enough, battery was nonchargeable. New battery, no problem. I had them search the car for electrical drains down to 1 ma. Nothing. Guess I'll have to install a cutoff switch.
Next item to address was noisy exhaust. That turned out to be a rusted out section of the starter pipe, where it attaches to the manifold flange. New section welded in and the car sounds right.
Thanks, Marpar. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse and I had to be admitted to the hospital Sunday night. Now at Stanford Medical Center, which is the big dog in this region. Maybe the genius docs here will be able to find a fix. I don't want to be one of those guys who have to sell their old cars for health reasons. Or, worse; their widows have to sell them.
My thoughts are with you from the Motor City, get better would you already!