C body Tach interest


Old Man with a Hat
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score
Around Town
The tach thread got me talking with cudak888 (Kurt) who is way smarter on CAD then Ill ever be. I asked about the possibility of producing a tach similiar in quality to the 68 B tach. He would like to know if anyone else would be interested in this part. If there is enough interest it could made. So I'm asking if there any interest in this from the forum, friends etc? Are the clock housing and tach mounted the same, as I have never seen one up close? In other words would a clock housing work with suitably sized tach guts? This would be for those of us who won't spend 800-1200 for a used or new unit. This could be a reality if there is enough interest.

Here is what the B kit is
Part #1 (face): "Road Chicken" Muscle Car Dash Tachometer - PART 1 by cudak888 on Shapeways
Part #2 (housing): "Road Chicken" Muscle Car Dash Tachometer - PART 2 by cudak888 on Shapeways
Part #3 (needle): "Road Chicken" Tachometer Needle - OPTIONAL PART 3 by cudak888 on Shapeways
Certainly, count me in...looks like a fun little project to paint and assemble
I generally prefer the real thing ...I hope you can pull it off though

C body tach.JPG
C body tach rear.JPG
C body tach part number.JPG
I agree that the real thing is the coolest, but E body pricing isn't so much. At any rate, is the tach housing mount the same for the clock? The needle appears to be the same as the 68-70B but would need to be verified. I need an old clock unit to send to kurt if these things check out. Thanks for posting up those pics Dave.
The idea would be to use the clear bezel off the clock face as it is the most accessible one - and the one that everyone will most likely have. At least, the cheapskates like me looking to stay at just under $100 for a tach when all is said and done.

The el-cheapo Chinese tach units are a LOT smaller than the factory originals, so the smaller bezel won't be a problem. Even if it was the same size, the critical thing is to get the bezel to snap into the housing loose enough that it can be removed, but not tight enough to make it a pain in the butt to remove if required. Making sure it doesn't rattle is also a consideration.

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The cosmetics and such are pretty easy to do. Waterslide decal from an image in photoshop can do that. The circuit board to run it all and then the mechanism to run the needle would be a little more difficult to do, I suspect. Somewhere years ago, I saw a '69 Camaro (?) factory tach on a work bench. The circuit board was a bit smaller than a silver dollar, with little else behind the indicator plate. Not quite as much depth as the matching speedometer unit. That particular circuit board was cracked down the middle. A friend who had an electronics shop said he could build one that was more accurate with little effort. By this point in time, might there be a universal tach circuit board that could be used and fit in the allotted space?

Just some thoughts,
The cosmetics and such are pretty easy to do. Waterslide decal from an image in photoshop can do that. The circuit board to run it all and then the mechanism to run the needle would be a little more difficult to do, I suspect. Somewhere years ago, I saw a '69 Camaro (?) factory tach on a work bench. The circuit board was a bit smaller than a silver dollar, with little else behind the indicator plate. Not quite as much depth as the matching speedometer unit. That particular circuit board was cracked down the middle. A friend who had an electronics shop said he could build one that was more accurate with little effort. By this point in time, might there be a universal tach circuit board that could be used and fit in the allotted space?

Just some thoughts,

Funny thing, decals were the one thing I knew I couldn't swing when I did my B-body recreation below (thread), as you can't print white (save for an Alps) and inkjet printing over clear decal paper tends to disappear over black. I painted the raised areas with a paint pen:


On the left is the repop in a B-body cluster; on the right, an original.

Here's what it looks like before paint. Part of that locomotive in the background is 3D printed with the same stuff too:


The guts are a $10-15 Chinese tachometer from Amazon, which really isn't much better or worse than the original for accuracy (or lack of it). The 6,000 RPM limit of the C-body design may prove an issue though; the Amazon tach conveniently ran up to the necessary 8,000.

(EDIT: Bingo. They make the same little piece of crap tach in 6,000 RPM, but ask $23 (!) for it. It's not a 180 degree flat sweep though: https://www.amazon.com/52mm-0-6000-Electrical-Diesel-Tachometer/dp/B0793LLKCR/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1518321296&sr=1-1&keywords=6000+rpm+tachometer&refinements=p_36:1253493011 ).

(EDIT #2: I just realized something - if one clocks the 8,000 RPM tach so that 0 RPM is level with the horizon line, 6,000 RPM winds up being exactly 180 degrees opposite. In theory, if I simply rotate the tach's mounting holes in the housing to take advantage of this, the 8,000 RPM tach will work just fine. Plus, I don't think anyone looking for an el-cheapo factory-looking tach will ever peg their C-body needle past 6k).


You've brought up a point I didn't consider: I've never seen the C-body tach in person, and assumed the text and gauge markings are raised, which would make it possible to paint them with the pen. But are they? If they're flat, that'd almost require the whole surface to be a decal.

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Pretty good reference pic. Unfortunately - as I realized earlier - that's all silkscreened with no raised detail. Unless someone can assist by producing a transfer, this might be difficult.

I can make the 3D parts and the artwork for the transfer, but not the transfer itself.

EDIT: PremiumDashDecals appears to have done every '69-71 decal except the tach. Perhaps now is a good enough time as any to twist their arm? Shop - Premium Dash Decals by Mr.Heaterbox

FYI - since this really won't require that much 3D work (no raised numbers!), I don't mind moving forward with the project (decals or otherwise) if someone can loan me a clock unit. Preferably one in rough shape or in pieces so I can disassemble it and figure out the bezel size to the last millimeter and gauge face depth.

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I think it's a great idea. The OE part # means nothing to me. However, why no orange area on your re-pop B-body? I'd also like a 3D printed tach needle for a better match of the OE.

Printing this with slight raised lettering would be a good idea... almost imperceptible once installed. That would make it easy for the DIY'er to finish (I would prefer a DIY kit to keep cost down.) Tach needle metal button could be done with a small piece of aluminum tape.

I suggest you also examine Chrysler and Dodge/Plymouth clocks of that era and see if you can create some common parts behind the bezel to expand your market. Font and sweep would be the same.

I have nothing in the stable at the moment where I could use these, however if the cost was tach price + around $100 unpainted/assembled, I'd buy a couple to keep on the future projects shelf.
The tach thread got me talking with cudak888 (Kurt) who is way smarter on CAD then Ill ever be. I asked about the possibility of producing a tach similiar in quality to the 68 B tach. He would like to know if anyone else would be interested in this part. If there is enough interest it could made. So I'm asking if there any interest in this from the forum, friends etc? Are the clock housing and tach mounted the same, as I have never seen one up close? In other words would a clock housing work with suitably sized tach guts? This would be for those of us who won't spend 800-1200 for a used or new unit. This could be a reality if there is enough interest.

Here is what the B kit is
Part #1 (face): "Road Chicken" Muscle Car Dash Tachometer - PART 1 by cudak888 on Shapeways
Part #2 (housing): "Road Chicken" Muscle Car Dash Tachometer - PART 2 by cudak888 on Shapeways
Part #3 (needle): "Road Chicken" Tachometer Needle - OPTIONAL PART 3 by cudak888 on Shapeways

After reading those links it looks like we are on the same page. I'd definitely buy that kit for a C!

I think it's a great idea. The OE part # means nothing to me. However, why no orange area on your re-pop B-body?

Oh, I did paint that, couldn't find a pic of it in the computer. I lost interest in it quite quickly when I wound up with an original at about the same time. I pretty much finished the 3D printed version for the benefit of the community; seemed a waste not to share it.

Given that PremiumDashDecals' vinyl transfers for the clock face are all of $9.99, I'd much rather see them make a repop for the tach and work around that. Believe me, I have very little desire to replicate the C-body dash fonts in 3D...

Ah-HAH! Found the pics. This was before one of the B-body guys convinced me to 3D print a factory-correct needle to go with it.


