California Governor signs order to ban gas vehicles by 2035

Still waiting for observed scientific evidence of MMGW.

In this life, we are not always afforded with certainty in much of anything. What we can do is make the best judgments we can based on the available evidence we can generate or find.

The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere is happening relatively quickly relative to past increases in CO2 emissions going back, some say, thousands of years and it is easily measured (just like every certified emission test on our gasoline vehicles spits out a CO2 rating as well as a fuel economy rating over the test cycle since the latter two are related).

The increase in CO2 happening relatively quickly now compared to the past thousands of years around our globe correlates well to the CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels over the last 100 years and we are seeing increasing incidents of higher temperatures around our globe, more robust natural distasters in the form of hurricanes, tornadoes, fires and more. Yes, it could be coming from natural causes that we do not understand. But most deem it prudent in the scientific community to act on reducing the build up of CO2 as best we can to minimize the pain that is likely later on. There are also upsides in terms of an opportunity to take advantage in improving our technology to not rely on fossil fuels so heavily in the future because other countries will also want this technology and if we are out in front first, we get the profits from being first, just like in the past.

We can not "prove" that their is a God over the whole universe either one way or the other. We just have go use our best judgments on what we do know to make the best conclusion about an issue based on the preponderance of the evidence. When I consider how amazingly well made/designed our bodies are and how well they work for up to around 100 years if we treat them right, I think it is amazing and despite man's best intellect, we still don't really know just how they work or how to fix them when a nasty virus affects them for example. I also look around at the whole scope of the universe, the earth itself and the amazing beauty everywhere from the beautiful landscapes that Dave has shown us of Idaho to the mountains in my own back yard, I have to conclude this all didn't happen by chance or random processes. The Bible indicates that we will all be held accountable for the creation we see around us and will have to give an account to our maker when we ultimately go before him to give an account of our lives and why we didn't trust that there is a God. It also indicates that it is our human pride that compels us to go our own way without Him and that there will be consequences for doing so.

But a lot folks like Fred and Dave on this site do not accept these realities (in my view, that is) and that is their complete right to do so. If we agree to disagree, that is the best we can do and so we should all move on and accept that others will not necessarily agree - and I don't hold any animosities against either of them at all because we do not agree and treat them just like I would anyone else. I still respect their decisions. I could well be wrong too, and I accept that as well.

So to me to argue about a lot of the things we do argue about on this site are not productive and that is why I have refrained from saying more than I have in the past about a lot of topics on this Board. I try to confine most of my thoughts to cars here and I think the site would be far better off if it were restricted to automotive topics. But I sometimes fall off the wagon too and get involved in these discussions when I tell myself not to. I am still learning............................!

We all have to make the best decisions we can based on how we perceive the issues and realities and let the dust settle and also accept the consequences of those decisions.

If you do not want to believe that climate change is real, then you are free to do so, but we also have to live with the effects of our decisions in this life and (for me at least) believe we have to live with them when we go before our maker some day.

All I can say is that I am grateful for the life I have been afforded and I do my best to conscientiously consider all the evidence I can find to make my decisions in life and consider all that information carefully and then go on from there. I love people in general, I don't care about the color of one's skin, but I do care about one's character and that is usually the result of their upbringing more than anything else and economic and other factors as well that affect the latter. I have also concluded that acting in accord with God's counsel as best I am able to achieve makes my life so much better and lets me sleep well at night. That is worth so much to me, much more than money. I prefer peace, love, joy and contentment in my life more than any amount of money or anything else, even the cars I enjoy a great deal.

Sorry I can't be more helpful in answering your question any better.
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Is that really the case? Most studies site a mental illness rate of somewhere between 20-30% among the homeless population. In the general population the annual rate of mental illness is estimated at 1 in 5. Not a big difference. Could it be that the rise of the "free stuff" welfare state makes opting out of the rat race and living on the margins, particularly in nicer climates, a viable option?

I guess I count being addicted to alcohol or other substances as a form of mental illness since one can not say it is good or normal judgment to drink so heavily so as to become dependent on a substance and knowingly do so. In my experience the two are closely related and account for most of the behaviors that cause one to end up on the street. But that is just my experience because I have been involved in trying to help these folks as I explained earlier.
In this life, we are not always afforded with certainty in much of anything. What we can do is make the best judgments we can based on the available evidence we can generate or find.

The increase in CO2 in our atmosphere is happening relatively quickly relative to past increases in CO2 emissions going back, some say, thousands of years and it is easily measured (just like every certified emission test on our gasoline vehicles spits out a CO2 rating as well as a fuel economy rating over the test cycle since the latter two are related).

The increase in CO2 happening relatively quickly now compared to the past thousands of years around our globe correlates well to the CO2 emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels over the last 100 years and we are seeing increasing incidents of higher temperatures around our globe, more robust natural distasters in the form of hurricanes, tornadoes, fires and more. Yes, it could be coming from natural causes that we do not understand. But most deem it prudent in the scientific community to act on reducing the build up of CO2 as best we can to minimize the pain that is likely later on. There are also upsides in terms of an opportunity to take advantage in improving our technology to not rely on fossil fuels so heavily in the future because other countries will also want this technology and if we are out in front first, we get the profits from being first, just like in the past.

We can not "prove" that their is a God over the whole universe either one way or the other. We just have go use our best judgments on what we do know to make the best conclusion about an issue based on the preponderance of the evidence. When I consider how amazingly well made/designed our bodies are and how well they work for up to around 100 years if we treat them right, I think it is amazing and despite man's best intellect, we still don't really know just how they work or how to fix them when a nasty virus affects them for example. I also look around at the whole scope of the universe, the earth itself and the amazing beauty everywhere from the beautiful landscapes that Dave has shown us of Idaho to the mountains in my own back yard, I have to conclude this all didn't happen by chance or random processes. The Bible indicates that we will all be held accountable for the creation we see around us and will have to give an account to our maker when we ultimately go before him to give an account of our lives and why we didn't trust that there is a God. It also indicates that it is our human pride that compels us to go our own way without Him and that there will be consequences for doing so.

But a lot folks like Fred and Dave on this site do not accept these realities (in my view, that is) and that is their complete right to do so. If we agree to disagree, that is the best we can do and so we should all move on and accept that others will not necessarily agree - and I don't hold any animosities against either of them at all because we do not agree and treat them just like I would anyone else. I still respect their decisions. I could well be wrong too, and I accept that as well.

So to me to argue about a lot of the things we do argue about on this site are not productive and that is why I have refrained from saying more than I have in the past about a lot of topics on this Board. I try to confine most of my thoughts to cars here and I think the site would be far better off if it were restricted to automotive topics. But I sometimes fall off the wagon too and get involved in these discussions when I tell myself not to. I am still learning............................!

We all have to make the best decisions we can based on how we perceive the issues and realities and let the dust settle and also accept the consequences of those decisions.

If you do not want to believe that climate change is real, then you are free to do so, but we also have to live with the effects of our decisions in this life and (for me at least) believe we have to live with them when we go before our maker some day.

All I can say is that I am grateful for the life I have been afforded and I do my best to conscientiously consider all the evidence I can find to make my decisions in life and consider all that information carefully and then go on from there. I love people in general, I don't care about the color of one's skin, but I do care about one's character and that is usually the result of their upbringing more than anything else and economic and other factors as well that affect the latter. I have also concluded that acting in accord with God's counsel as best I am able to achieve makes my life so much better and lets me sleep well at night. That is worth so much to me, much more than money. I prefer peace, love, joy and contentment in my life more than any amount of money or anything else, even the cars I enjoy a great deal.

Sorry I can't be more helpful in answering your question any better.
You couldn't be more helpful because there is NO scientific evidence of MMGW.
That was a lot of typing to say absolutely nothing except you have no proof.
I found the following to be a compelling argument that science now has a good understanding of the current drivers affecting global temperature.

What's Really Warming the World?
And Bloomberg is full of crap, too. With all the "evidence" they throw out there none, absolutely none of it proves it is caused by Man. There is not of one scientific observation that proves Man is causing it.
What caused the end of the Ice Age?
It damn sure wasn't Man.
And Bloomberg is full of crap, too. With all the "evidence" they throw out there none, absolutely none of it proves it is caused by Man. There is not of one scientific observation that proves Man is causing it.
What caused the end of the Ice Age?
It damn sure wasn't Man.
I'm pretty sure that nothing that anyone could say would change your opinion, so there's no point in debating.
You couldn't be more helpful because there is NO scientific evidence of MMGW.
That was a lot of typing to say absolutely nothing except you have no proof.

So I would surmise then that if a brush or forest fire is coming towards your house at a brisk pace and you are told by fire officials to evacuate, you would argue with them that if they can not prove that the fire might just miraculously jump over your house instead of burning it to the ground or that the wind driving the fire might just change direction, then there is no need to worry because there is no way for them to prove that either of those might not happen. There are many like you out there that perish from such absolutes - what a way to go.

Now I see why Missouri is called the "show me state". You fit right in.
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Thank you very much for the personal history review as I feel like I know you a lot better now. You have had a wide variety of cars over the years and the Cuda AARs are one of my favorite cars. A friend of mine bought one new in 1970 who also worked for Chrysler engineering in Highland Park, Michigan. He worked in the steering and suspension lab, so an AAR was a natural fit for him. We often would ride to work together and I always enjoyed riding in that beast - it handled like a slot car on rails and was a great overall package. His was lime green with the black stripes.

I also got my first Cuda right around 1982 as well, (when I was 35) after I had left Chrysler when they went bankrupt in about 1980. I got the car with only 32K miles on it back then when they weren't so expensive anymore and it was one of my earlier restorations. It is kind of the opposite end of the spectrum from yours in the sense that it doesn't handle all that great since its weight balance isn't so good -mostly nose heavy but it does very well in a straight line once you get hooked up. I launched into restoring it right after I bought it since while it was low miles, it wasn't treated that well in terms of paint/body etc. I had already done a couple forward look cars by then and I was still learning when I did the Cuda. But it came out all right and I still have it. But it is a genuine one too with a factory shaker hood (photos below).

The only non-Chrysler product I have owned is a 1969 Mustang Mach 1.

You have a very interesting background and it sounds like you get around quite a bit in the job you now have and get to see things that most of us do not.

I hear you with the issues on repower emission controls on top the engines - those filters get really hot and regeneration is a real pain as I mentioned in my previous post. But everything looks very sanitary in terms of the workmanship.

Like you, I love California too, and glad you do as well.

All the best and thanks for sharing your background Ed. Very interesting and unique!


View attachment 405572 View attachment 405573 View attachment 405574 View attachment 405575

Now that is one very fine automobile. I love the look of that car and it looks like you’ve done a stellar job of restoring and then caring for it. Wow!!! 1982.
I’ve ran 6bbls on big block cars but never had one that was born with one OEM. That must be one wild ride.
Back in the day we had to send off to Art Pacheco at Six Pack performance in New Mexico just to get decent rebuild stuff in my neck of the woods. Not an easy task in 1982, congratulations on owning and restoring such a wonderful car.

My double AR was a real terror. It eventually succumbed to Maryland rust that was beyond repairing in 1980’s Arizona. Sad truth is the rusty cars got stripped in Arizona because we had so many nice ones. I sold mine to someone back east who said we laugh at rust back here. Well we sure didn’t in Az. I miss it but no way could I have fixed it properly back then. Your ‘cuda’s interior reminds me of a ‘71 gran coupe I had in the 80’s very very nice. My AAR had that dash but was very spartan inside with no console, no power steering, etc. I think the only thing it had extra was power disc brakes and I believe those were standard equipment. Yours looks to be loaded from the factory with some very desirable options. Being a front and rear rubber bumper car with dual painted mirrors! it has that perfect look I was trying to copy for my AAR. I painted my stock rusty bumpers lime green rather than source elastomeric ones because of the hair raising cost of original take offs. I had NOS chrome replacements to go back to but when we decided the car was too far gone to be properly restored by us I sold them to Bob Blake. He told me they were perfect for a hemicuda convertible they had at his shop. That ol guy had some marvelous cars. His 1971 hemi convertible was the first real hemi convertible I’d ever seen. I first met him on a slow day at the world of wheels and he talked to me for hours about that car. He told me it was worth about 20 thousand dollars. I decided that day 100% I’d buy a Barracuda but I also decided I’d probably never own a $20k hemicuda convertible. I bought mine a year or two later.

Talking to you about this reminds me of how many of the older guys we looked up to for advice building these things that are gone now. The 1980’s don’t always seem that long ago and then a niece or nephew will talk about the retro 80’s and it hits you just how long ago that really was. I’m sure you also miss a lot of the old hands you’ve been lucky enough to gain knowledge from over the years. It’s nice this site helps preserve a lot of that knowledge and shares it. 1970 cars will never seem old to me because I’ve always owned them. I still think of old cars as the 55 Chevys LoL!!! I know it must sound silly but I’ve been lucky to always have a 69 or 70ish car at my disposal so they just don’t that seem old to me if you can understand what I mean. I drive the 69 a lot it and it’s fun to have something I can knock around in without worrying about it being an irreplaceable gem. I’ll eventually find a 300 convertible that will get done as close to perfect as I can do. That’ll probably end up being that last car I’ll ever do so I’m happy to wait for the right one to come along.

Again Steve that’s a beautiful car.

Take care - Ed
Here’s one of Bob’s cudas from the fountain hills Az car show. I took this about 87 or 88. I’ve always loved the look of the rubber bumper cars.


Sorry the pic is so scratched. I found it in my tool box last summer.
Well, I see no one here can offer any proof so they are now tossing out the personal insults, which is what people do when they can't debate a subject with facts.

When you see the fire coming that is called observed evidence.
When you have no observed evidence of MMGW that is called theory or opinion.
And basing government policy on that is tyranny.

Now, my challenge is still there.
Show proof with observed science that global warming is man made.
just stop all the volcanos and the green house will stop
Well, I see no one here can offer any proof so they are now tossing out the personal insults, which is what people do when they can't debate a subject with facts.

When you see the fire coming that is called observed evidence.
When you have no observed evidence of MMGW that is called theory or opinion.
And basing government policy on that is tyranny.

Now, my challenge is still there.
Show proof with observed science that global warming is man made.

Thats the problem, you can't see and that is not a personal insult, it is just an observation. There is much going on now in terms of fire and other events that are way out of the norm, but I guess you live in a Missouri bubble and can't see the observed evidence or just don't want to see anything that disrupts your life.

In my example you called it a personal insult but you may as well not know what caused the brush or forest fire coming towards you, so does that mean in that case you would try to do something about what you see, like evacuate in that case or not? You seem to want it both ways.

It is far easier to deny it and put it out of your mind. Even if the greenhouse gas problem had natural causes, it would still be wise to limit the part caused by man. But virtually no one in the scientific community agrees with you and neglecting the advice of the scientific community in the virus issue has led to not being able to even reasonably control it still and so we will add even more $trillions to the national debt since another stimulus will probably by needed. So much for Republicans wanting to limit govenment spending.

So it will be with the climate change issue with guys like you that just want to neglect science because you want to and not deal with it. Guys like you make us all losers.
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