Carlisle 20% Off Sale Until January 2nd

Ok. I could be wrong as well. However it is all advertising for the sites.
The only thing to gain is the use of the tent/chairs and tables.
Not poking anyone.
Good Day All
Been a while since I have tuned in. I registered late last year, and have hotel reservations locked up.
To add to the FCBO/FBBO/FABO conundrum, I registered the 'Party Barge' for 2025. Since then I have sold a couple of cars (66 GTO factory tri-power and the '68 SuperBee 6 pack. My bride was gracious in all this, however, I was reminded the the Pontiac was 'her' car. Since I sold it that left her car less. Last year at Carlisle she was taken with the 67-69 A Bodies. I told her that we would get one to replace 'hers'.
Well the search ended when she picked out a '67 Dart GT convertible powered by the venerable 'leaning tower of power'. The car had received several upgrades in the last 58 years. 14" Magnums, disc brakes (front) 8 1/4 sure grip w/3:23 gears. and Dutra duals. The down side is that it repainted with everything was masked off.
At least the color is close (white) so it is a good 30 footer.
I'm tweaking a couple of things: adding cruise control, A/C carpet and door panel replacement due to the PO adding speakers.
Anyway, as far a Carlisle is concerned, we will be there but it might be with the A body. I'll have to contact Carlisle and get their guidance on changing registrations.
Haven't given up on the 'Barge'. In fact while I'm waiting on parts, I have been adding a tilt column.
Stay Warm
To help clarify the Carlisle tent situation and club reference, anybody can ask Carlisle Events to create a club listing for their group. To be recognized by Carlisle, you must have I believe 25 cars registered under the group name. With that number of preregistered participants, then Carlisle will provide something like a 10 by 10 tent for the weekend and a dedicated spot central to the group in which they are representing. If the number of preregistered participants increases to say 40, the tent increases to 10 by 20 for example. Not exactly sure of the dimensions, but that gives you an ideal on how it works.

The first year that we attempted to do the FBBO tent, we did not have enough members registering under FBBO and a couple of us guys chipped in cover the cost. After that first year, we have been able to have enough participants registering under the FBBO listing to get a free tent for the weekend. Carlisle does not provide the chairs or tables. I have been sponsoring the tables and chairs each year.

Each and every year other than the first year, the FBBO has been in the top three for the number of participants. If you should start to splinter the group into a FABO, FCBO or FEBO club, then that number would dilute the total involvement down so that nobody would have enough registered participants to get a tent.

The tent and cookout continues to grow each and every year. Hawk Sorman over on FBBO heads everything up for the weekend and puts a tremendous amount of time and money into the weekend to make it happen. The tent allows the FXBO's group to come together and put a face to a name. It gives you guys a central meet up location where chairs and tables give you a chance to sit down and cool off from the Summer heat. Free cool beverages are usually available as well.

So as you guys are registering for Carlisle 2025, please mark your preferred club as FBBO. Marking the club does not impact your car registration and placement.

The C body boards including this one since it's inception have talked about a tent every year. There is NEVER enough members to reach the required 25. 2016 was probably our best represented year but still not enough membership attends.