Since it has to come apart, wobble in pinion. I would do as John suggested, put it in the 742 case. You will have to transfer ring gear. That's fairly easy with a oven or stove, best to do when wife's not home, tends to stink a bit. Heat the ring gear you want on ~200°-250°. Make mark before you heat it where bolt hole is and also on carrier, it will slip right on carrier then start the bolts to ensure its lined up. Ring gear bolts are left handed threads. Then reinstall in case, snug bolts on bearing caps and adjust screw adjusters to eliminate back lash. Then adjust to allow for around .006 backlash is good on broken in gears. You should really use a dial indicator on it but a skinny feeler guage can work. It should slide way in and eliminate the back lash, has to slide in one jammed in the v of the mesh area will eliminate backlash but not give correct reading.