curse you RAM truck dealers and your nitrogen air

As a sidebar from the OP.
I needed one of those "deer bouncer-offers" things a while back.
Is that the official Mopar Parts Description for those? No wonder the parts counter guy couldn't find one.:thumbsup:
$4k in damage in the blink of an eye.
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4 months old and 5000 miles, I feel your pain. Mine was just a little one following mom across the road, still over 8K Canadian.

I was making a quick run up the cottage to meet a contractor. It was bow season and had just gotten dark. Deer were still running for their lives avoiding all the drunk hunters!
Still, 30 years of running up to the place and I hit this guy three years before we sold. Pretty lucky all in all.
new truck prices are more than i would pay for one vehicle , if you where to shop it around . you can get it at your numbers . but i'll stick with my older stock and buy them for twenty times less . it doesn't have to be brand new to be new to me , lol . my last driver buy was this 61 d200 /6 4spd with 71k on it for 2500 bucks . she works just fine , as long as your not in a hurry , lol .
deer bouncer-offer in place. heavy AF. like a fat girl sittin on the front bumper.

What brand is that?

Also, how do you know it's like a fat girl? Got experience? :poke:
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new truck prices are more than i would pay for one vehicle

That's my thoughts, but dam if people aren't starting to pay more for the older trucks now. I just looked at a '97 Ford 350 that sold for $35K. I'm guessing it's because of the stupid high prices of these new electronic-gizmo trucks. I love the hp/tq of the new trucks, but hate everything else. I'll keep buying the nice, older vehicles.
i'm staying the course on older stuff , i'll hotrod them up to more horses . my 60 has a 440 6pk , my 64 has a pump'd 383 , my 69 crew has a 440 , and the rest will get a hp power plants as well . but that /6 runs damm good .
you aint kidding new trucks cost alot of money. my 2015 with 75k mi got $20k resale from the first guy that looked at it though - trucks have good resale value right now.

its a westin HDX winch mount bull guard. it bolts on where the tow hooks go.

it weighs 200# ish.

and yes :)