Eventually no one will have jobs

I saw this a little while ago on tv and was blown away by it all. So many things are becoming automated.

Exactly ........ Automation started long ago and people have been replaced at a steady rate since. It's the main reason for unemployment being what it is today. And still, the population grows. More people ..... less for them to do.

Man kind puts himself at the top of the food chain, but it looks like he's gonna swallow himself.
Oh, so this is the machine's fault!!

Skilled and well trained workers servicing highly automated equipment may be our only hope for the future. It is likely the only way to compete with 3rd world slave labour.
mason..30+ years...the few that tried to replace me called back ,appoligized and asked me to fix the work they thought someone else could do

There will soon be a lack of tradesmen when the older ones retire, if they can. I don't see the younger generation targeting the trades jobs. The ones I've dealt with are lazy little no it alls.
One robot forces 20 workers into early retirement.
One robot replaces 20 contributions the company has to pay into the pension fund.
Do the math and critical mass is now here.
So pension funds go broke.
The retirees are forced into Federal and state assistance which ultimately ends up with taxpayers footing the bill.
You are paying for that robot so that company can be competitive, stay in business and make a profit.
Their profit actually came from your pocket.

Yes, it's a stretch for those minds that don't see the big picture on how economics works.

It is simply, There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Automation is super cool, though.
One robot forces 20 workers into early retirement.
One robot replaces 20 contributions the company has to pay into the pension fund.
Do the math and critical mass is now here.
So pension funds go broke.
The retirees are forced into Federal and state assistance which ultimately ends up with taxpayers footing the bill.
You are paying for that robot so that company can be competitive, stay in business and make a profit.
Their profit actually came from your pocket.

Yes, it's a stretch for those minds that don't see the big picture on how economics works.

It is simply, There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Automation is super cool, though.
Critical mass is when there are so few jobs available anymore you have a permanently unemployed percentage of people for their lifetime. It will come, its just a matter of when. When its does, how do we decide what they are entitled to? Do we support people who can never get a job because the system has become so automated and industrialized they are simply not needed anymore? What happens when society becomes the "utopia" of the future where no one works because machines do it all. There will come a time when you can only grow so much food, pull so much minerals out of the ground too, how do you control the population size so it doesn't become so big it brings about a collapse of the automated support systems?
Who do you tax anymore if people no longer work? Will pensions and benefits become the norm? Or will "Credit cards" with a set amount of weekly basic necessities be provided? There is already legislation passing is a couple of states restricting unemployed from buying whatever they want with their benefits.
What happens when the "An honest days pay for an honest days work" ethic becomes outdated and useless? Even cars will be automated in ten years, self driving and maybe a time will come when they will simply automatically drive themselves in for services done also my automated machinery.
In china they have jumped on the automation bandwagon and are now producing factory robots by the tens of thousands to replace human labor, what the hell are over a billion people going to do in just that country?
Only 25% of human labor is now involved in the manufacturing industry with 75% in the service industry. It used to be the other way round a hundred years ago. The service industry is now also becoming slowly automated now too, consider Walmart and Lowes as two examples, you can pay for your stuff and leave the shop without any human interaction now whatsoever. Obviously there is a lot more to it to running a shop but it is starting down that road, even MacDonalds has vending machines now in trail that cook the burger and present it out a slot after putting your credit card in. Imagine going to a burger joint and there are no human beings at all other than customers.
"Quicker, better, more efficient."
And there it is in a nutshell, human beings can only work so fast, they can only work so many hours. Machines do it quicker, faster, for more hours with less down time. No sick days, no strikes, no claims for increased wages, etc etc etc.
I used to work in the postal industry for awhile and you would have mail officers sitting at a frame with a multitude of slots sorting away hour after hour, 1200 letters an hour. I watched a machine come in, one machine that measured 40 yards long and 2 yards wide, it sorted 120 000 letters an hour, 24 hours a day. That's the equivalent of 300 employees in a 24hr shift. And the employees needed lunch breaks and tea breaks and toilet breaks etc. Plus two days off a week, not to mention holidays. In the end, it's even more than 300 jobs eliminated.
Well, for good OR for bad, one thing thing it surely is: inevitable. Love to have a peek at the software code running all that.