'fess up. Who here hasn't driven a stickshift?

Learned in a Plymouth Rampage in 84. It took me an hour to move it from its spot, but I learned.

15 years later I was put into the drivers seat of a 24 ft Penske box truck, I don't know, maybe a six speed.. I had to take it through Newark New Jersey in the afternoon rush. That was my refresher course
This came up on another forum and I was surprised at how many folks have never driven a stick shift.
Let's make another perameter... Who hasn't driven a crash box?
Haha, I just got my license, my mother calls and tells me I have insurance and I can drive, immediately I go out and hop in the 55 Chevy that I had use of. Never having driven a manual I fired it up and backed it out of the garage, 60 miles later I felt like a pro.

Given the choice is take a manual any day.

I couldn't imagine not knowing how to drive a manual.

I had an '84 Laser XE, '87 Conquest TSI, '93 Mazda MX6, ex wife had a Phord Ranger pickup and several of my dads company cars were also 4 cylinder 5 speeds but I will say that I've never driven a 4 speed muscle car....that'll change this season though.
you gotta feather teh gas mid shift a bit to sync up.

i taught myself in a 77 4door fairmont 5 speed. didnt know how to shift into R and had to roll over a parking lot curb bumper stop thingy to get out of the parking spot where it was parked....

i got it for $450 and when it got totalled out i got $1250.

that was a great car
82 ford escort was first. My first Mopar that I owned was a /6, 3 speed on floor Dart Sport, I'll give you one guess what my next intention was before the torsion bar cross member broke/rotted out from underneath, went in the Navy before I ever got anywhere with this car. My Barracuda was a /6, 3 speed on the column which I made into a 440, 4 speed. My brother in law's Challenger has a 440, 4 speed, I pretend I am Kowalski when I drive it :steering:
I have never owned a manual but I know how to drive one. I learned on a test drive for a 2002 Subaru outback sport. I ended up passing on the car because it was an insane piece of crap (rusty, 140k+ miles, 7000$) I swear the dealer must have been out of his mind asking 7k for that thing. I told him I wouldn't even buy it for 5k and he got kind of huffy on me.

Otherwise when I was a kid I drove a lot of ATVs and Dirt bikes, which were basically all manuals, so I guess that also counts.
1949 Ford Pickup Flat 8 with a 4 speed/ granny low. My grandfather taught me when I was 10. He never broke a sweat always wanted me to stop going up a hill so he could look at something on the side of the road (his way of teaching me how to use the clutch on an incline) happy memories.

First crashbox was a slick shifted 833 in a '64 Sport fury

Every damn day.
I drove a Mack Renault Midliner with an odd shift pattern.


Talk about mind games, good thing my daily driver at that time was automatic.

The first standard vehicle I drove was my uncle's '46 Power Wagon.