'fess up. Who here hasn't driven a stickshift?

'57 chev 210 hardtop 235 straight 6 3 on the tree first
'15 hellcat challenger last
dont ask me which one scared me the most...hint wasnt hellcat lol

'95 Stealth Awd most fun
'08 acr viper most disappointing
440 4 speed most looking forward to ...someday
'57 chev 210 hardtop 235 straight 6 3 on the tree first
'15 hellcat challenger last
dont ask me which one scared me the most...hint wasnt hellcat lol

'95 Stealth Awd most fun
'08 acr viper most disappointing
440 4 speed most looking forward to ...someday
I've heard a lot of people are kind of disappointed by the Hellcat. Like it just doesn't live up to the hype or something. Also making a claim like "Highest horsepower of any factory muscle car" is a pretty bold claim to make. Especially considering a lot of muscle car purists would fight you to the death over whether or not the Hellcat can be even considered a muscle car.

My buddy saw one at the track last year, he said it was pretty pathetic, Although that couldn't be blamed on the car, the guy driving it was really babying it. I guess it got smoked by the new mustang-whatever edition. Pretty much because they guy didn't even attempt to drive it all out.

If it were me I wouldn't be buying a Hellcat to baby it, I'd run the crap out of the thing. Otherwise why wouldn't you just buy a corvette instead.
69 Dodge Dart Swinger with a 340. I wish my Mom was still around so she could tell you that she had hide her bottle of bleach to keep us from doing funny car burnouts in the alley. LOL!
What a world of difference: here in Europe, at least in Holland, we all learn to drive manuals. I'm a driving instructor and the only ones that are going to drive an automatic are the ones who can't handle a shiftstick. And I can tell you not many young people do.
Personally I'd rather drive a manual but I think it depends on the type of car. I love the automatic in my Newport, lazy driving and cruisin in a big car. A smaller car however must be a manual...just my opinion.

Ps: THIS is stick shifting:

driverseat in a Centurion Tank when I was in the army
I remember working on a then new 1985 Mazda 626 5spd and the lady owner demanded that we warranty the clutch for life because in the span of about 6 months she had burned out 3 clutches.

After riding with her I discovered she had the clutch partially depressed by about an inch at all times as a just in case she had to stop quickly.:wtf:
The only smoke coming from that car was the clutch plates screaming in agony!
After proper driver training, we didn't see her again for this issue...

Oh and I learned at the tender age of 13 to drive stick... 1974 Ford 1 ton flat bed 3 spd with a bull low gear...
learned in 1969 in a CHevrolet Step Van that was my Dad's business truck...three on the tree .. very traumatic. a year later 3 (or 4 - cant remember) on the floor -- again in a step van and that went much better.

"perfected" the skill forever around age 20 driving a moving truck (former UHaul) one summer.

taught my daughters too...they like automatics hands down BUT they can drive manuals (and change tires) in a pinch.

my only "confession" is recorded here on FCBO... i NEVER, EVER went "clutchless" .. in another thread a year or so ago. practiced last summer in a '81 Corvette .. don't have the hang of it yet - still pumpin' that clutch:).
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...but I will say that I've never driven a 4 speed muscle car.
Now that I think about it neither have I, 3 different Porsches 2 Corvettes, couple RX7s, old school Beatles 66 Chevy van, 67 Valiant, couple Neons, dozens of rental trucks, some Chevy Luvs... But never a Muscle Car.

Now that I think about it neither have I, 3 different Porsches 2 Corvettes, couple RX7s, old school Beatles 66 Chevy van, 67 Valiant, couple Neons, dozens of rental trucks, some Chevy Luvs... But never a Muscle Car.

I had the supreme pleasure of working in the Service Dept. of a Chevy dealer at the peak of the muscle car era. I "road tested" some absolute monsters with RockCrusher Muncies.
I didn't know they even had automatics back then, Jer... :poke:
Kinda sorta but they weren't worth ah crap. My Mom's car at the time waz ah '53 straight 8 Roadmaster with what we called a Dynoflush transmission. I wiped out 3 of 'um 'tween my 16th and 17 B.D. and shortly after the 3rd one went toez up she suggested I join the Marines and go fight the dirty commiez 'cuz I wasn't drivin' her Buick never no more. Oh and BTW, the 1st stick waz ah 5 speed in ah '39 Dodge 1 1/2 ton bringin' Oats in from the fieldz in the summer of 1950 and I learned early in that adventure not to miss ah shift on that 5 spd. 'cuz you had to stop and start over and that made Grampz crabby and he would hold back on my beer rationz...I waz 11 at the time and every 2nd load in from the fieldz every body got another beer. And if you worked you got one too, lol...good German tredition and I still love my grandpa and we lost him in '68
I take out my 83 year old mom out every other weekend for a couple of drinks. usually I have my service truck but last weekend was a glorious 60 degree day. I picked her up in my 35 Plymouth 340 4 speed hot rod. did a real nice burnout leaving the bar. I wish I could have taken a picture of the smile on her face. it was priceless.
I drove a Mack Renault Midliner with an odd shift pattern.


Talk about mind games, good thing my daily driver at that time was automatic.


My 15 speed has that stupid pattern that I'm not sure I will ever get used to.
134. Run through that 2 times and at 1450 your moving 65 mph. There is a deep reduction with same pattern but not sequential.
I have owned plenty of manuals and prefer them, harder and harder to find in modern cars, and still have 2 in the current fleet.

My buddy has a '62 'vette so that will count close enough as a muscle car. The only manual (non tractor) clutch I have driven too. I want to push my hydraulic clutch through the floor, on my cars, after driving the '62 for a couple of hours.
69 Dodge Dart Swinger with a 340. I wish my Mom was still around so she could tell you that she had hide her bottle of bleach to keep us from doing funny car burnouts in the alley. LOL!
Do you have a Pic of the Car, Bob i am drooling just thinking about it.
Should be mandatory that you start out on a motorcycle then stick before you can progress from permit to license. Would teach folks to be a bit more careful on the road. It may also prevent the other bane of my existence, two footed New England drivers.