He knows who his base is. The lazy and the uninformed. As the country continually turns into black, Hispanic, and Muslem, we don't have a prayer. The people who want something for nothing have more time to fight for more than those who are bustin therir *** off. They are cockroaches and they HAVE won and we never saw it coming until yesterday when the man who has ruined everything that America ever stood for, got re-elected.. So, who's in control now, huh??? THEM.
Stan, I think you nailed it pretty well with this.
I don't think Christie had any negative impact, and the reason Dave and the rest of us weren't in contact with any, or few Obama supporters is because we travel in circles of productive people, and not leaches on society. It was the big city trash that carried him, and they decide who is elected these days, the exact cockroaches/leaches that you described above. The Dow the following morning shows how the business oriented viewed the outcome.
It is no longer the "Land of the Free", it is the land of the freeloaders, and the Liberals self interest is written all over this, making welfare a comfortable way of life, and increasing the trash/leach poulation as much as possible. The 11+ million illegals living here getting handed citizenship will sink us even further. It is unreal to me how arrogant these leaches are... demanding their intitlement to hold their hand out, and look down their noses at the working stiffs.
The leadership and quality of people elected in this country would be much better if you had to have a diploma or GED in order to vote, and be denied any kind of welfare if you cannot pass regular drug testing, and if you are on welfare and have all of your working appendages you should not be able to vote... Single mothers on welfare should get fixed after the 2nd kid, not adding 13 more useless people that will be on goverment assistance for life.
The Liberals seem to encourage reverse racism, and one good example is Bob's news clip of the "Black Panthers" occupying voting stations. This is the blacks equivelent of the KKK, but put a guy in a white sheet on the other side of the entrance and see the Liberal media freak the f out.
The inaugural party 4 years ago turned my stomach, as the media praised the black community for making the biggest party to date for the reason of electing a black president... Not because he was great, wise or that they thought he could do well for our country, no... it was because he was black. Reverse this situation accurately, but just change the word black to white and with a new white guy in office and see what happens.
The breakdown in who voted for Obama was very disheartening... 93% of blacks and 69% Latino and a strong percentage of single women and whites aged 18-28 which with some research would likely be white trash on welfare and liberal brainwashed college kids that have yet to work long enough to earn their own way.
Voting for someone because of their race has got to be the the most moronic reason I have ever heard. I respect the 7% of blacks that voted for Romney and likely another 7% that were just liberal dorks that voted for Obama for their political views. This promoted reverse racism just keeps prejudice going strong, and I think it is time to end affimative action and government handouts, like monthly payments for life just because you have 12.5% Indian blood. This day and age this is bull$hit. People demanding benifits or special treatment because they are somehow victims... I doubt 95% of them can even name anyone in their family history that was truly a victim 130-150+ years ago.
If someone truly wanted to be treated equally, they could be competetive, be productive and make something of themselves. They should remove race from the job applications and earn a blind interview with test scores in the field of work in which they are applying.
I doubt too much damage can be done in at least the first 2 years with a Republican majority in the house. If he had another free run with full Democratic control like his first 2 years when he added 90% of his share of the deficit, we would be in deep do do.
I think this one rant makes up for my few days of of being absent.