
Some of you may know about or even visited the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, which is a stone's throw from the Lincoln Memorial in DC.
The Old Guard (Army) has guarded the tomb 24x7x365 since 1921. There has been incredible severe weather events (hurricanes & blizzards) since 1921 and the Soldiers never abandoned their post even when the order was given to take shelter. Their actions and dedication sures makes me proud.


(file photo)

Here's the story during Hurricane Sandy...

I highly recommend visiting the Tomb of the Unknowns and the rest of Arlington National Cemetery if you're in the DC area.

I have seen those soldiers walking in the nastiest weather you can imagine, undaunted and resolute. I have the utmost respect for that and them.
Absolutely! They guard America's best.

You know, this may sound extreme..but I would not put it past the Obama administration to do away with this and other symbols of America's the SOB has a FREE hand to do what he pleases. No election hanging over his head.

Sobering thought.
Hold on there, Bucko.
There's going to be a revolution all right but not against the new Socialist -anti democracy Liberals now pervasive in government and steering this country towards that revolution. The revolution will by the 47% to send the remanants of The Greatest Generation to the gallows. Obama's intention from the day he entered law school was de-facto reparations for blacks 150 years after the Civil War. He knows who his base is. The lazy and the uninformed. As the country continually turns into black, Hispanic, and Muslem, we don't have a prayer. The people who want something for nothing have more time to fight for more than those who are bustin therir *** off. They are cockroaches and they HAVE won and we never saw it coming until yesterday when the man who has ruined everything that America ever stood for, got re-elected.. So, who's in control now, huh??? THEM.
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Hold on there, Bucko.
There's going to be a revolution all right but not against the new Socialist -anti democracy Liberals now pervasive in government and steering this country towards that revolution. The revolution will by the 47% to send the remanants of The Greatest Generation to the gallows. Obama's intention from the day he entered law school was de-facto reparations for blacks 150 years after the Civil War. He knows who his base is. The lazy and the uninformed. As the country continually turns into black, Hispanic, and Muslem, we don't have a prayer. The people who want something for nothing have more time to fight for more than those who are bustin therir *** off. They are cockroaches and they HAVE won and we never saw it coming until yesterday when the man who has ruined everything that America ever stood for, got re-elected.. So, who's in control now, huh??? THEM.

In general, I agree 100%. However, I would be careful and very nuanced in how I would identify those who cast the votes that, without a doubt, will herald the eventual economic (then societal) collapse of this country. People have allowed themselves to become historically and culturally ignorant because it is easier, more interesting, and "cooler" to watch "MTV" or to laugh along at two gay men trying to raise a child on "Modern Family", or be entertained by how Kim Kardashian twitches her *** when she walks (another story in itself), RATHER than read the constitution, memorize parts of the bill of rights, or learn about the individual stories of those who built this country through blood sweat and tears and all those people transcend demographics. While Obama is to be despised as a figurehead, he himself is a complete "tool"--, the "symptom" of a much larger "problem". Quite easily, the roots of this "problem" can be traced all the way back to the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Then the Johnson administration in the 60's deftly used the cover of civil rights to renew the push towards creating an entire American populace dependent on the federal government to provide for their personal means, rather than become a people who decide their own futures (many democrats today don't know this...and some won't admit it, but at that time period their leaders in federal government were generally against civil rights). Obama is just part of a larger plan, he himself is/has been indoctrinated through the experience of attending Ivy schools as a student, then teaching there and passing on that indoctrination as a Prof. of law. Have no misconceptions; the Ivy league (as with most colleges and universities in the United States today) are complete and utter cesspools of liberal dogma. Individuals come out of there totally, completely and thoroughly indoctrinated, without a mind of their lock step and voting for people like Obama. Yesterday history was indeed made. We witnessed the end of a long drawn out plan, one bent upon dismantling and then permanently re-shaping the very essence of America itself. The man now has free hand to do whatever his fancy chooses.

I doubt we will recognize ourselves four years from now.
Even the two of you have to admit that this country was in a tumble the day Junior was handed the first four years and the keys to the economy and the troops. Obama is everything you say and more. Oddly enough the savior will arrive in the form of a humpty dumpty shaped fellow by the name of Chris Christie four years from now. Thats the only good that could have come from Obama winning the election.

My problem is, everyone that I have talked to ( accept my wife and kids) wanted Romney to win. So what happened?
Dave, that's because you are not among the 47%.

Here is why Obama won:
ALL of his worshippers voted and only part of his haters voted.

BTW, has everyone noticed that I am a very angry white man today who feels like everything he did in life to do the right thing is now finally all for nought? It's a depressing realization when you now know it's true.,,
(Sent using Forum Runner)
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Even the two of you have to admit that this country was in a tumble the day Junior was handed the first four years and the keys to the economy and the troops. Obama is everything you say and more. Oddly enough the savior will arrive in the form of a humpty dumpty shaped fellow by the name of Chris Christie four years from now. Thats the only good that could have come from Obama winning the election.

My problem is, everyone that I have talked to ( accept my wife and kids) wanted Romney to win. So what happened?

Yeah, WUT was Christy smoking anyways???
Dave, that's because you are not among the 47%.

Here is why Obama won:
ALL of his worshippers voted and only part of his haters voted.

BTW, has everyone noticed that I am a very angry white man today who feels like everything he did in life to do the right thing is now finally all for nought? It's a depressing realization when you now know it's true.,,
(Sent using Forum Runner)

It's was hard to tell, you keep it under wraps very well.
I wasn't happy with the results at all. His victory speech was laden with all of his usual self adulation BS. Did you notice the stock marked dropped 313 points today? It would of been up 313 points today if Romney would of won. Just wait until the sequestration disaster automatically kicks in January 1st.
Dave, that's because you are not among the 47%.

Here is why Obama won:
ALL of his worshippers voted and only part of his haters voted.

I dont think so Stan, no president was hated by more than Obama, not even Nixon. Heres the thing, so many woman heard of Romneys Roe vs Wade reversal ideas and his rape comments. The uninformed or the partial listener voted for who they didnt want, which was Obama...... The woman and Gay comments by Romney is what buried him

Yeah, WUT was Christy smoking anyways???

Huh? What are you referring to?
I was so waiting to see Romney on TV this morning as the next Pres. of the United States. Big let down.
I dont think so Stan, no president was hated by more than Obama, not even Nixon. Heres the thing, so many woman heard of Romneys Roe vs Wade reversal ideas and his rape comments. The uninformed or the partial listener voted for who they didnt want, which was Obama...... The woman and Gay comments by Romney is what buried him

Huh? What are you referring to?

Um, playing snuggly wuggly with the pres. through flash, he went a bit overboard.
By how the news media attached Romney on every word he said, you would've thought he was running against himself. I never heard not one in depth investigation of anything Obama said throughout the entire election.
I dont think so Stan, no president was hated by more than Obama, not even Nixon. Heres the thing, so many woman heard of Romneys Roe vs Wade reversal ideas and his rape comments. The uninformed or the partial listener voted for who they didnt want, which was Obama...... The woman and Gay comments by Romney is what buried him

He pissed off the Hispanics too with his self-deportation comments. Why do you think Obama wants immigration changed to his liking? Thats going to be a problem in Georgia, Texas, and Arizona for 2016. The fastest growing hispanic states in the US.
Um, playing snuggly wuggly with the pres. through flash, he went a bit overboard.

Again, he's playing his cards right. He has more trump than anyone in the game. He's saying the right things to get FEMA money for the state and keeping his political avenues open in the future. The only people that dont like Christie are the Union freaks....
Again, he's playing his cards right. He has more trump than anyone in the game. He's saying the right things to get FEMA money for the state and keeping his political avenues open in the future. The only people that dont like Christie are the Union freaks....

I know your right, and there is strategy about this, BUT I really hated to seem him do that. I almost want to think that helped sink Romney.