Old Man with a Hat
yes a clear gas filter - is that where the heat is getting in? should I ditch it? I have a length of gas hose I could swap and try...
If you have a clear gas filter you can watch it to see if it goes empty.... If not then the float may be set to low.
and - whats the pickup in the tank? I don't know what you mean.
The pick-up is the tube in your tank that picks up the fuel. It's a part of the sending unit and has a "sock" on the end which may be clogged. Once I used orange RTV to seal my sending unit to the tank on a 64 300, big mistake....! It found its way into the tank and after driving for awile would find its way into the fuel pickup and stop the fuel flow.
After sitting awile it would drop back into the tank and the car would start and run again..... Until it found it's way back into the pickup. It took a couple of rollback rides home before I figured that out.