Getting Ready for Carlisle

Yea, there's really no drama at Carlisle. As Dave says, it's an event rather than a car show. The car show part of it is almost incidental to everything else.

But since it was mentioned, there's an easy way to take the drama out of car shows for yourself. Just write "Please do not judge" on your window placard at each show. I even had a plastic sign made up for my A12 RR years ago. It takes all the nonsense out and puts the fun back in.
Leaving on a Thursday.
Rene has a sister in Elwood,PA.
We will be doing a "loop" by taking I90 from Syracuse to Elwood.
Stay overnight there,then 3.5 hours southeast to Carlisle.
Camping out next to the event for 2 nights.
From Carlisle head back North on I81 on Sunday.
My rough calculations was 1000 KILOMETERS.
I wonder if Elwood was named after Mr.Engels who designed the C bodies,LOL!!
That's a big loop!
Like Dave sayz 84 acrez of nothin' but Mopar. I'll just add ah few thingz. If you walk all the rowz of swap meet and all the rowz of show carz you've walked ah bit over 11 milez with no shade. By Saturday afternoon theirz way too many ugly pink bodyz wandering around lookin' comatized. My advice: Locate the WATER MISSTER and fight the little kidz for your spot(No big deal 'cuz they run thru' anyway and theirz room for you to stand there in the middle and get ah good soakin' and they can pass you on both sidez). And Pin Point the locationz of the porta- pottyz. 0nly two locationz on the entire groundz, base of the hill in the curve and on the west side of the show field north-south road between gate 1 and gate 2, and the only real headz under the east end of grand standz. Us old guyz with bad kneez either bring our own battery powered scooterz or rent 'um just inside gate 4. FYI $85 per day and worth every penny. And if you do Chryslers at Carlisle just once you'll be hooked foevah on it 'cus it not just ah show IT'Z AH HAPPENING, AH GATHERING OF GEARHEADZ. I expect pix from everybody and hope tah see ya'll next July, Jer
Jer, there is also the bath house a few rows behind the grandstands, the rest rooms in T building and the bath house by gate three. You also have some Porta john spots by gate 5 (?) And I believe some at the top of the hill by the TP.
I'm only mentioning this because I don't want people to get the wrong impression.
This isn't a car show, it's an event, an affair, a party. It's bigger than a car show.
84 acres of all Mopar cars and parts can not be simply classified as a car show.
Besides, they have sausage peppers and onion sandwiches, you gotta go just for that
With the Prices they want for food, I think i rather eat dirt.
I didn't mean to sound negative Dave, sorry if It waz taken that way. I didn't mean to imply that you needed to ware ah catheter or walk around with ah dark spot in your Leviz 'til the sun dried you out either. I also know theirz a bath house and permanent rest rooms of the west end of the hill in a white cinder block building facing the hill. The last building in from the main entry at gate 4 on the right just off the base of the hill.
Regarding the rest rooms... They are almost spotless. There's a attendant in each one. That's really important when you bring your wife or girlfriend.

The food? I never have thought it was expensive. There's a couple places under the grandstand that are pretty good.
I like to get something to eat once but usually pack a cooler. This is my first trip but did nats in Columbus many times.
I like to get something to eat once but usually pack a cooler. This is my first trip but did nats in Columbus many times.

It's been a long time since I've been to the Nats, but Carlisle is my hands down preference.

I have to agree with l4tk on this, I don't even consider going to the MoPar Nats any more, and it's only 2 hours from here, compared to an 8 hour drive to Carlisle, although I haven't been to Carlisle in a couple of years, but I plan to rectify that this year.
I'v been going to Carlisle just about every year since the mid 90's........I never had a bad time.
I'v been going to Carlisle just about every year since the mid 90's........I never had a bad time.

Yeah, but you could just about walk there.
The Boab is not ready yet. I had several side projects pop up AND I have trouble saying no.
But the 66 300 is a great substitute and it is in its element cruising at speed down the highways!
Anybody else working on their C's for the big shheeww??

Mines pretty much ready to go. There's a few things that I'd like to do if I get to them before the show. Other than that, we'll be there.
Anybody else working on their C's for the big shheeww??

I picked up a couple of items for my '66: A torque convertor access panel (mine was missing entirely) and a phenolic isolator / spacer to put between the carb and the intake manifold (I'm hoping it will improve the hard starting when the engine is hot). Looks like my power steering pump is leaking, and I'm hoping its a loose hose or something else that is minor. Also, I ordered a complete exhaust system for the car, and I'm hoping it will arrive in time to get installed prior to the trip to Carlisle.