GJS's 1967 Dodge Monaco 500: Beverly


Awesome quarterly profits = awesome profit sharing. Awesome profit sharing = PARTS BINGE. PARTS BINGE + healthy running Monaco = happy GJS.

Damned crank bolt. I always thought that once you pulled the 6 pulley bolts, the pulley came off and you were left with access to the balancer and the crank bolt... guess I stepped away for too long.
Anyway, kind of at a stand still till I can rent an impact wrench. Bummer. Really wanted the rest ripped down today.
The pulley does come off without removing the crank bolt, it has a bit of an interference fit.
Aaaaaaaaaand it just fell off.... awesome. Thanks, guys. I really gotta grow a pair!
Well, that's where she sits for a week. At least the pulley came off.
After that tho, it's on.
Looks like those heads have been off before, they should be turquoise. What's the casting number on them?
Looks like those heads have been off before, they should be turquoise. What's the casting number on them?
Haven't grabbed a casting # yet but will report back when I do. They indeed have been off. Story is that they were done over and given hardened valve seats by the second owner... remains to be seen what the good of that was.
Just ordered: one metric **** ton of parts. Had to hold off on the oil pump and intermediate shaft till the funds come in but, we're almost there.

Stay tuned for some marathon wrenching! (And casting numbers)
Well they're likely original then, maybe rebuilt and painted the wrong color.
"Back in the day" when I first got into C Bodies, we had started a small forum up in Canada called C Body Central. It didn't get anywhere really. Never amassed the knowledge base nor community that FCBO or the Dry Dock did. But we tried to string some people together who loved these boats.
The few that did join carried one signature in their rides... any 25 cent happy face ring that adorned the rear view mirror post.
I happened across my old badge today while pouring trough some boxes at my parents place... it was immediately placed in Beverly.
Always remember that we do this for happiness and that if it bums you out, it's time to stop!
Be good, fellas!
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Beautiful car, it's one of my bucketlist cars. When I was 20 I probably wouldn't have liked your color combo, now I'm 52 I love it ..classy.
Your crossmember did take a good hit. As long as the T-bars aren't stressed and you can achieve a good alignment I would leave it, you might open a huge can of worms.
Hopefully your lower ball joints are still good, those are the expensive pieces. I'm from the school of..if it ain't broke ..don't fix it. If you do have to buy front end parts, try and buy old stock American parts, too many of these new parts are made in China or elsewhere.
Enjoy your journey, to me that's where the fun is
Hello GJS. Did you find this car in Texas. I looked at one just like this back last summer. The one I looked at was an untouched original. Needed some TLC, but lot of potential, especially being a 4bbl 383.

Hope it goes well for you.