

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
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Because a co-worker is on maternity leave, I find myself having to deal with the appointment of guardians for incapacitated persons. The cases are depressing. They usually involve the incapacitated person arriving at a hospital without having appointed a durable power of attorney to make decisions for them. The hospital has to initiate guardianship proceedings and then the family, if there is one, argues about whether there should a guardian and who it should be. It can end up being an unrelated professional guardian, even if the family thinks it should be Aunt Melba. Sometimes there is a hint that a family member wants to be guardian just so they can control finances.

The point of this post is to encourage people to make sure someone you know will be able to act for you in the event you are incapacitated and to make sure you will be able to act for loved ones in the event they are incapacitated.
Darn fine post - everyone, especially those with young children needs to pay attention to this problem. **** happens and it never gives you any warning so if you aren't ready, it's too late.
My wife is one of those unrelated professional guardians. The local court approached her 15 yrs ago for a tough individual who was refusing medical care for something that may have caused their death. Since then she averages about 50+/- clients. Full time job 24/7....

Her clients range from persons who have no families to persons who were being taken advantage of by their families.

So I agree with the original post, don't let this happen to you....
When I was young, I bought a Long Term Care policy when they were new and comparatively affordable.
As it turned out, Long Term Care policies started causing the insurance companies to bleed money like a hemophiliac.
My annual premiums now would support six illegal immigrants for a year comfortably but I refuse to give in. I'm not going to let them bastards win and I'm going to make them pay out big time when my time comes. I will not go into a nursing home. I'm going to make the bastards pay for 24/7 care from a bevy of nurses in white miniskirt uniforms and high heels in the comfort of my wheelchair out on my patio.

Incidentally, my wife also has a Long Term Care policy and I'm having to use a lawyer to make the insurance company provide me with any kind of assistance in helping me take care if my wife. They refuse. The dirty c***suckers. :mob:
Incidentally, my wife also has a Long Term Care policy and I'm having to use a lawyer to make the insurance company provide me with any kind of assistance in helping me take care if my wife. They refuse.

They often do. Insurance seems to be more about having peace of mind while you are paying premiums. We just signed up for earthquake insurance, but I know we'll have to fight like hell to get a payout when the quake comes. Insurance companies seem perfectly willing to spend $10 on lawyers to fight paying $1.
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Here in Canada we have an acting POA for living and being unable to make any decisions
When I was young, I bought a Long Term Care policy when they were new and comparatively affordable.
As it turned out, Long Term Care policies started causing the insurance companies to bleed money like a hemophiliac.
My annual premiums now would support six illegal immigrants for a year comfortably but I refuse to give in. I'm not going to let them bastards win and I'm going to make them pay out big time when my time comes. I will not go into a nursing home. I'm going to make the bastards pay for 24/7 care from a bevy of nurses in white miniskirt uniforms and high heels in the comfort of my wheelchair out on my patio.

Incidentally, my wife also has a Long Term Care policy and I'm having to use a lawyer to make the insurance company provide me with any kind of assistance in helping me take care if my wife. They refuse. The dirty c***suckers. :mob:

Is this your nurse????
