Rant ON... National Anthem...

I have been deployed to shitholes.

EVERYONE wants to live in America.
Bob, what is the policy of allowing a foreigner to earn their citizenship by serving in the military? I knew a Canadian and a Mexican who said that was how they became citizens.
As noted so many times 100 years ago people came and assimilated.
This is one element of a sound immigration policy.
my grandparents came over from Poland in the late 1800's early 1900's. But guess what, they did it LEGALLY.
(My bolding)
This is another key element.

Yes we need to talk openly about racism but more importantly we need to address the unpleasant reality there is an agenda behind the push to open borders and multiculturalism.

The following article written shortly after Trump took office explains his approach very well. It combines the above elements with border security to rip immigration out of the hands of outside forces.

Esenberg: Principles for a sound immigration policy
First, let me state that in my book.....anyone that puts on a uniform and combat boots and fights for the American flag has earned the right to be an American citizen.

The official rule is obtain lawful permanent resident status (green card) and serve honorably in the U.S. military for a year and meet the other general requiements for naturalization. No felonies or murder convictions, etc.

About 4% of the U.S. military are non-citizens. You have to be a green card holder to join the U.S. military.
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Usually on military holidays, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July..... the U.S. Army and the Marines (and I'm sure the other branches do it too) have gigantic ceremonies swearing in our newest patriotic Warfighter citizens.
Usually on military holidays, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July..... the U.S. Army and the Marines (and I'm sure the other branches do it too) have gigantic ceremonies swearing in our newest patriotic Warfighter citizens.
Thank you Bob, that makes it a little more clear for me. That does seem like a viable option for a young person who is able to get their green card and is educated/knowledgeable enough to take advantage of that option.
I can get you an age limit waiver and have you in combat boots today.

I would sell my wife, my cats, my house, my cars, and my pension for just one picture on the internet.

Bob, you really crack me up, sometimes. :thumbsup:
:(I'm sorry, Dave but, that was one of Bob's best.
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You wouldn't have to despise anything if more American citizens volunteered and enlisted.

I can get you an age limit waiver and have you in combat boots today.

Negative, do you have any idea how many they turn away?
The Air Force only want 80% and up on their test .
Even the Army have high expectations these days and only consider people of 60% and up.
Then there's the physical, if you have acne, you fail. If you have any visible tattoo, you fail. If you've seen a counselor for any reason, you fail. If you have the sniffles , you fail. They are extremely selective these days because they can be. Tens of Thousands of people trying to get in , they aren' t looking for tens of thousands so they pick and choose .

Combat boots? Then I'd have to cut my hair, which is the ONLY reason why I'm not retired law, they wanted me to cut my hair. That' s Crazy Talk!
Was reading some MSN headlines (for laughs) and I noticed this.... (screencap attached).

trump meme.jpg
Negative, do you have any idea how many they turn away?
The Air Force only want 80% and up on their test .
Even the Army have high expectations these days and only consider people of 60% and up.
Then there's the physical, if you have acne, you fail. If you have any visible tattoo, you fail. If you've seen a counselor for any reason, you fail. If you have the sniffles , you fail. They are extremely selective these days because they can be. Tens of Thousands of people trying to get in , they aren' t looking for tens of thousands so they pick and choose .

Combat boots? Then I'd have to cut my hair, which is the ONLY reason why I'm not retired law, they wanted me to cut my hair. That' s Crazy Talk!
Come on Dave, they'll only take off a little. :poke:
The Air Force only want 80% and up on their test .
Even the Army have high expectations these days and only consider people of 60% and up.
I don't have a problem that. I'm glad to know that they're not taking just any idiot off the street. Your defending our country not greeting people at Wal-Mart. Lol
Actually I'm proud of that! I wish they had a test standard like that for congress and the Senate. Weed out a lot of retards...
And don't even reply with any smart *** remarks about Trump either, and YOU know who you are!!! He just passed his intelligence test with flying colors.
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After listening to the Andrew Wilkow radio show on Sirius I decided to look up some of the YouTube videos he played....
Very enlightening....Enjoy!

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And don't even reply with any smart *** remarks about Trump either, and YOU know who you are!!! He just passed his intelligence test with flying colors.

That still leave a mental health test and one for wisdom that are badly needed!! :p
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Negative, do you have any idea how many they turn away?
The Air Force only want 80% and up on their test .
Even the Army have high expectations these days and only consider people of 60% and up.
Then there's the physical, if you have acne, you fail. If you have any visible tattoo, you fail. If you've seen a counselor for any reason, you fail. If you have the sniffles , you fail. They are extremely selective these days because they can be. Tens of Thousands of people trying to get in , they aren' t looking for tens of thousands so they pick and choose .

Combat boots? Then I'd have to cut my hair, which is the ONLY reason why I'm not retired law, they wanted me to cut my hair. That' s Crazy Talk!
Yeah... the idea that the entire chain of command would be half your age isn't a factor at all. :rolleyes: