Hedman 78070 Headers and Oil Dipstick


Active Member
Feb 15, 2014
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Test fitting now, passenger side no problem driverside will fit good but I took the mini starter out to test fit. The oil dip stick sticks out too far, I broke the dipstick where it bolts to the motor mount or at least I thought I did the previous owner must have jb welded it together. I bought a new dipstick do you have to drain the oil to replace the dipstick like the tranny pan. Also has anyone installed these to a c body and run into problems?
You shouldn't have to but it will take some really good wiggling and pulling to get the old one out more than likely.
I have had to heat the engine block where the tube goes in on many engines. good luck
Oil dip stick came out no problem, now finding the right replacement, I bought one from spectre but the base I think is a bit bigger and will not fit. Anyone know of a good replacement.
i was looking at the chrome one from mopar. hopefully it fits.
I have the full length version (78070) in my '67 New Yorker. They fit without any major problems. I'm not sure how the shorter ones will do.

I also broke off my oil dipstick doing the exact same thing! Congrats getting your old one out. I had to pull the pan and drive mine out with a punch. I ran into the same problem with those chrome aftermarket dipsticks having a larger base. I don't know how they're used. I ended up modifying one by cutting it at the narrower part of the shaft then crimping it to fit.