How can I convince my wife I need a 3rd Chrysler? (69 Imp)


New Member
Jul 20, 2014
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North Dakota
I'll try to be brief here but I have the opportunity to buy a 69 imperial 4 door in fair condition for $1500. It belongs to her cousin who's grandpa is moving to a nursing home from his farm and thought he could make big $ on it but will now accept my offer, which I don't know is really good or not. Anyway when my wife's aunt told me that I could have the car for what I offered my wife's face changed colors and her neck went into spasms. I already have my 75 which I haven't driven in 2 years and my 72 yorker that needs serious TLC so she makes a sort of valid point but I can still squeeze one more c body in my garage and still leave room for her neglected gardening tools.
Any of you folks face this dilemma with their significant other? :BangHead:
Tell her you will sell one of the others to pay for it. Just make sure when you post the ad at an optimistic price.
I would sell the car that needs the most work. And use the "family" connection as a reason to buy the car. "You really think the car should stay in the family...that's what "he" would have wanted." ;)
Sometimes you should just walk away from a "good" deal. You have two neglected Imperials now. Adding a third won't be doing the car a favor.
OR, if the 69 is worth the effort........ sell the other two and don't neglect the 69.

There is a third option .... but we won't go there....... It gets cold up there in the winter.
I would love to see a picture of this '69. It would help US to help YOU to decide what to do with this dilemma...
How to convince her for a third. Ask me how to convince for a total of eight cars and then maybe I can give you a pointer. My ace is that all of mine are in great running condition. My only problem is driving them all. It is like having eight girlfriends it is hard to do them all justice especially in a 7 day week.
Just buy it. Deal with the repercussions later. Ten years from now you'll barely remember the fight over it.
I guess I am in the lucky position that my girlfriend loves and owns Mopars, too.
So there are never discussions if plans for a new old car are up.

I would go for a 69, early fuselage Cs are the nicest (ok, personal opinion) and it doesn't have a poor smog engine like the two others.


Go buy the car,, Go buy her a couple pairs of shoes, and tell he honey I bought you something oh and I needed this to deliver them to you........... :eek:s_dancing2:
But think about how much it'll set you back to have it in the condition you want and if that's worth it.
These cars are so modest Price, I wouldn't want to get swamped with another Project if there are already two, rather have another real good one that helps you getting over "hangovers" while Fixing the Projects already there.

I sold my last basket case last Weekend and have only fine examples left, one that Needs some minor TLC.
Personally I hate automobiles that stand there like concrete and you never get around to do them right. My last finished Project took me three years all done myself but paint and I don't even want to add the costs. ;)
If you have a run down Bathroom, Laundry and Kitchen you wont win - just forget it. These discussions are a lot easier if you have these 3 things on your side
'Mornin' Flatlander71. I'll try to make this one brief too, kinda. In the mid '90's I got up to 10 toyz. 8 under roof and still had 2 out in the cold. And trying to work on all 10 I found I waz proceeding like the proverbial 2 peckered chicken with one eye in the middle of hiz forehead. He waz lookin' at the whole barnyard covered with corn and he couldn't decide which pecker to eat with. He'd look at all that corn with that one eye and when he'd turn hiz head to eat some he'd miss gettin' it 'cuz he could no longer see what he waz tryin' tah do and dam near starved to death....My point? I waz spendin' every dime I could squeeze loose and nothin' waz gettin' done. The other thought I finally came up with...My *** only really needed to fit one chair, with room for the 2nd chair for the same woman I chose to live my life with long before there waz room for any toyz on the Ponderosa, Jer
I'll try to be brief here but I have the opportunity to buy a 69 imperial 4 door in fair condition for $1500. It belongs to her cousin who's grandpa is moving to a nursing home from his farm and thought he could make big $ on it but will now accept my offer, which I don't know is really good or not. Anyway when my wife's aunt told me that I could have the car for what I offered my wife's face changed colors and her neck went into spasms. I already have my 75 which I haven't driven in 2 years and my 72 yorker that needs serious TLC so she makes a sort of valid point but I can still squeeze one more c body in my garage and still leave room for her neglected gardening tools.
Any of you folks face this dilemma with their significant other? :BangHead:
I had a wife like that once, then I had it removed. :laughing6:
I had a wife like that once, then I had it removed. :laughing6:
