How many members own a police car


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2013
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I guess you could this a Segway from the earlier How many C bodies do you own. Owning or restoring an old Police car is an affliction in its self. I have the "72" Polara WSP car and a San Marin Sheriff's car (parts.)
I have a 1969 CHP Polara, under restoration, acquired August 2010


I guess you could this a Segway from the earlier How many C bodies do you own. Owning or restoring an old Police car is an affliction in its self. I have the "72" Polara WSP car and a San Marin Sheriff's car (parts.)

Does it hafta be a Mopar police car ? If not, I have a 2002 B4C police Camaro and a '95 Chevy Caprice 9C1 / LT1. My old '65 panhead is a former Richmond, VA hand shifted (manly) police bike.
I don't own one but have been in one..... :D

Driving it of course... as a mechanic....:icon_thumright:
I own a '70 PlymouthFury III Pursuit ex-Washington state patrol car. Nicely restored and will chirp the tires going into third gear at full throttle.

I've owned a number of Crown Vic's. over the years, great daily drivers.IMG_0050.jpg

i have a couple left -- how many I had at one time would only further reveal the extent of my embarrasing "illness" :grin:

You folks have seen most of my Mopars (except for the stuff in project status) and Fords/Mercs, including the daily driver CV P71's. The photo below from 2002 (a digital photo of a Kodak print the day I got it) is my only vintage GM police car.

This is a 1976 LeMans "Enforcer" coupe. Documented 80,000 mile car, 400 engine, Posi, etc.. Its nearly done for the big reveal in 2016.


You just said police car, not which
.View attachment 45822

I think you are the fine gentlemen who helped me get my '67 Arizona statie fixed up 3-4 years ago? Reason I say this is I have pics of your TN car as email downloads.

Sorry to bug ya if I have the wrong person. Nice car :icon_smile:


Thanks to everybody that's posted, they don't have to be Mopars and they don't have to be complete. Some interesting rides already. I can't wait to see the Lemans when it's done, how rare is that?
... I can't wait to see the Lemans when it's done, how rare is that?

other than the "uber" collectibles (where they seem to know where 99% of all that were ever built are/were), its hard to know the "rarity" of "regular" cars like this Pontiac .

But the GM cop car guys tell me the Pontiac 'Enforcer" coupes remaining can be counted on one hand. you never know what's in somebody's barn that will turn up later today.

I have only seen two Enforcer coupes (the photo below is the one I have seen most often - my car will look a lot like this when done), and maybe a ten or so sedans.


we might have seen some of your restored Mopar cop cars. Please show us the unrestored ones, too.
Sometimes I even like to see them more

other than the "uber" collectibles (where they seem to know where 99% of all that were ever built are/were), its hard to know the "rarity" of "regular" cars like this Pontiac .

But the GM cop car guys tell me the Pontiac 'Enforcer" coupes remaining can be counted on one hand. you never know what's in somebody's barn that will turn up later today.

Is the picture of the oneon ebay a few years ago? I remember that car and cannot remember what it went for but I did ask him questions. Look on youtube for a gold 1977 pontiac LeMans squad video. It was chasing a Trans Am if I remember correctly at a Hot Rod meet like show. I seen that car in Wisconsin, it is a tribute car and getting alitlle rough around the edges. The motor looked like a Hot Rod type, not close to period correct. I was not impressed. Goofy sayings on it also.