Ugh...I guess its just me.....this car is butt ugly.
That is incorrect LOL just the grill is
Ugh...I guess its just me.....this car is butt ugly.
MAN.... I just love the early 60's Virgil Exner designed Mopars...... Closest i've ever come to a car that "talks" to me.
I still perfer the 61 Plymouth over the Dodge though.
I drive it around the sub here once a week but haven't regestered it as yet.Had second thoughts about driving as is, Will ?
Ugh...I guess its just me.....this car is butt ugly.
What's the grill and tail end look like on this one?
The head light trim shields and side spear and grill guard are an option.
I have to say in all black it is rather "badass". LOL
The color choice on this model would be cruizial for me to fall for.
Black with blackwalls on black steelies.I have to say in all black it is rather "badass". LOL
The color choice on this model would be cruizial for me to fall for.
C'mon now, not only does this think have fins in the back, but its got "stunted" fins in the front too...and what the heck is up with the rocketship tail lights? As if that's not bad enough....the dashboard, Oy Vey.....and no one got fired for this?! It looks like a beached killer whale. Thankfully by the end of the 60's someone began thinking about logic and rational design.In 1961 a lot of people shared your opinion...... Now it's been narrowed down to just you......
not only does this think have fins in the back, but its got "stunted" fins in the front too...and what the heck is up with the rocketship tail lights? the dashboard, Oy Vey.....and no one got fired for this?! QUOTE]
Damm youngsters....... No clue about the style and design cues of the mid to late 50's and early 60's...
Sounds like someone flunked out of automotive history......
These cars make a statement like no other era in automotive design.
Funny thing though... Virgil Exner, (the fellow responsible for these outragious designs), did lose his job at Chrysler in 61.
:laughing4: I hate to have to admit it, but there was a time when I thought that a lot of the cars from this era were ugly and, sadly, some of the ones that I thought were the ugliest were some of Exner's Mopars. As I said in my previous post, I still don't care for some of them. However, I can't honestly call them ugly anymore. If you look at all of the strange looking and downright ugly styles that have come off the assembly line from all manufacturers in the past fifteen years or so, these old cars don't look all that weird anymore, to me anyway.
Call me a hard core minimalist till' the end I guess. All the little chrome doo-dads, wings, fins, useless humps, pointy tail light lenses, funky dashboards, or two tone color schemes...all just for the sake of having it on the car...and Exner put eyebrows on cars, mind you. THAT took balls, I'll grant him that.Gary, I can't understand why you can't see the beauty of Exner's Forward Look design??? Even the parts design are a work of art.