I missed Carlisle...

I was hoping someone took a lot of pictures of the Forward Look Reunion at Carlisle...
No pix but in my doing lapz to 'n from the groundz it seamed like 'bout 98% were '58-9 'n '60 plymouthz. My conclusion waz-iz that nobody wanted to be orphaned outside the groundz on Asphalt with no canopyz
Welcome back. Just had three sorts of Bratwurst. ;)
I might fire up the grill today and cook some bratwurst that I still have from Wisconsin.
I posted some pics of the Forward Look reunion in the thread I linked to. The cars inside were very hard to photograph between the very dark interior, close quarters and people all over the place.
I posted some pics of the Forward Look reunion in the thread I linked to. The cars inside were very hard to photograph between the very dark interior, close quarters and people all over the place.

Thanks John.

What was the name of the thread?
I've never had any luck taking good pictures in tents. Sun blindness, cars too close together and of course the mass of people and that stupid rope.
I've never had any luck taking good pictures in tents. Sun blindness, cars too close together and of course the mass of people and that stupid rope.


