I think my stolen car hauler is local


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
I've been putting up a CL ad for my stolen car hauler ever since the day it was stolen back in June '15, and have had zero problems keeping the ad up. No flags. Until this last week!

I was going to update the ad last Friday, and found it had been flagged! WTF? Posting a stolen vehicle alert is NOT against CL policy! I'm figuring the thieving little bastard (or a buddy) has been flagging it. SEVEN TIMES in the last four days! Yet, there are other stolen car/truck/trailer ads still up and running. I keep on posting it back. Keeps it up at the top, anyway!

I don't forget, and I don't forgive. If I find him...well, that's as far as I'll go with that!
I missed the post about it being stolen. Fuckin assholes, may they burst into flames.
Lol The Saga Continues. I very much Look Forward to your Rants as I Find them Brutal and Hilarious.
Drop your Imperial off in FL and I can get you plenty of "red light camera alibis". I promise they wont see a face... just a Steelers bb cap.
Can't you contact someone at Craig's and get to the bottom of it? I would think you could, and should? You might be able to get to the bottom of it. Good Luck
Can't you contact someone at Craig's and get to the bottom of it? I would think you could, and should? You might be able to get to the bottom of it. Good Luck
If you can't, maybe local PD can?
I see a quixotic project arise.
What planet do you guys live on?

The reality is this: local law enforcement is stretched so thin, between the thousands of calls a year on solicitation of scams, management has unwritten quoto for traffic stops. How many times have you seen a Officer or Deputy or whatever stop and make contact with a group of people like a B ball game, picnic or kids on the corner. That is how you get the contact and possible future connection when they hear of a rumor. The reality is typically people talk but you need to find that person or place that might hear of these things going on. Good luck on craigslist unless they have a subphoepna . If I remember correctly Craigs also limits how often people can post the same things whether an item or event etc. I suspect someone flagged you because of the frequency or did you put it on the cars and truck for sale (wrong location). If you live near a larger metro area check those craigs and if you don't already have a detailed description and photo with the ad. If not the exact one then from the company you purchased it from. I hope you have a vin on it and in the police report so it can be entered into NCIC and in case they grind it off something to make it exclusive to you like an owner applied number. Typically it is an social security number welded on engraved onto the frome somewhere.
I've heard you can contact Craigslist and they can track the person flagging your posts. It may help with finding your hauler
too bad about your hauler. chances are you can kiss it goodbye. i hate thieves as much as i hate liars. good luck though. it would be really cool if someone came out with a really inexpensive locating device you could attach to a vehicle. find the bastard, flatten the fuckers tires and drive away with your vehicle. and shoot him the finger on your way out. i get pissed off easy when i hear about that sorta ****.
Didn't matter what section I placed the ad in, it would get flagged. I'm pretty sure it is the mouth-breathing, sister-humping, weed-smoking fu*kwad that stole the trailer, or a buddy, that kills the ad. I'll wait a couple of days and try again.
I've heard you can contact Craigslist and they can track the person flagging your posts. It may help with finding your hauler

No way to contact CL directly, and they probably couldn't give a ****, anyway. Not going to waste the brain bytes there. It's a free service, and you get what you pay for.
if you ever do find them... make sure your alibi is strong and the bodies are never found... how do you Midwesterners do that without alligators... Oops, no details...
I agree with your first assumption....the slimmy little, slack jawed, window licking mouth breather is wanting to sell the car trailer....and your ad being up hinders his ability to liquidate the trailer. What if someone was to show up to buy the stolen trailer, and they had seen you add...NO sale! and then the potential run in with law enforcement...or better yet you!