Interesting FABO rant about FCBO...

I love them all. I have an A and C body. I've owned a B body and whatever the 80's New Yorkers and Fifth Aves were. Owned a few K cars, and had an LHS. I don't knock anyone unless they do something totally stupid and ruin a car, take it too far where it can't be brought back. I don't care if someone wants to personalize their car, it's theirs. Do I agree all the time? No. But who am I to tell them what to like? I'm glad I have nothing special, I can do what I want without ruining some unique car. I had my 68 Charger R/T that I traded due to too much on my plate and nowhere to properly store it. It was the only car I planned on restoring to as delivered condition. My Dart is my first old Mopar and I still have it. I had my Polara also and that was my driver, I wasn't going to give that up and have nothing to tool around in. I knew the Charger would rot too much before I could get to it, so I traded it to my roommate, who did something you don't see much, he gave the car to his dad. "Here us go pops" and that was that. He had a car to replace the 69 he ordered right before he left Vietnam. I thought that was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed during my lifetime. My roommate already had a 69 Charger and had his 69 Super Bee being restored, and he just gave the 68 to his dad. Haven't seriously looked for another car since then. I have enough on my plate and I like to keep them, not sell them.
GI's ordered a lot of Muscle cars on the way back home. I feel very blessed that my good friend of 25 years sold me his 69 Cuda 383 four speed car, after owning it since 1976. It was ordered by a Navy man returning to Norfolk in July of 68'. He drove it to Omaha, and terrorized people with it until the engine blew in 76'. My friend then bought it, and got it running for a while, but parked it in 1980 or so. It has not been driven on the street since then. 70k actual miles, no rust, no dents. I have a correct 383 GTS engine going in it. Since acquiring it, a couple years ago, I have decided to sell some others That have been here a while. Pardon my enthusiasm for sharing the car, I just love that A Body Cuda.
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I love my 69' dart, and A bodies have been in the family as long as the B and C bodies that we raised the kids in. I don't see any real difference in Quality, just size. As the car gets smaller, design limitations come into play. The three bodies were designed for three different markets,if you ever looked close at a Nova VS an Impala, the same rule applies.
Yeah, GM, Ford, Chrysler, maybe the build quality of the smaller cars Darts, Fairlanes and Novas wasn't worse than the full-size cars, but did they skimp on some things or was it just design limitations? For example, the Impalas, Galaxies and Newports had inner fenders. Not so for some of those smaller cars. I want inner fenders!

I drove a buddy's Duster and was surprised to find out that it had a rubber sqeeze thingy instead of an electric pump for the windshield washer. You didn't see that sort of thing in the full-size cars of the same era. I understand the basic, "bare bones" affordable car appeal though.
The fabo post wasnt that bad, the old age crack was pretty funny - But at the end of the day the result was good, everyone had a laugh and put their point of view across, plus we have another 9+ page thread to read though next year when we have forgotten the contents....

I do have to say that this forum would not be anywhere near as rich or entertaining without Commando's contributions though, A tip of my hat and best wishes to you for this year Stan
You just described Formals...
Formal bodies feel like they are suspended at each corner by a bungee cord.
You are right, I was speaking more to a &,b & e bodies compared to there GM counterparts. I don't think anybody is making a track car out of a formal, if anybody wants to I would pay attention and support it but once a cage goes in it all changes.
The fabo post wasnt that bad, the old age crack was pretty funny - But at the end of the day the result was good, everyone had a laugh and put their point of view across, plus we have another 9+ page thread to read though next year when we have forgotten the contents....

I do have to say that this forum would not be anywhere near as rich or entertaining without Commando's contributions though, A tip of my hat and best wishes to you for this year Stan

Stop it. There's a dozen people here that have enriched my life waaay more than I could.
And every guy and gal here has in one way or another.
Its the total experience.