I love them all. I have an A and C body. I've owned a B body and whatever the 80's New Yorkers and Fifth Aves were. Owned a few K cars, and had an LHS. I don't knock anyone unless they do something totally stupid and ruin a car, take it too far where it can't be brought back. I don't care if someone wants to personalize their car, it's theirs. Do I agree all the time? No. But who am I to tell them what to like? I'm glad I have nothing special, I can do what I want without ruining some unique car. I had my 68 Charger R/T that I traded due to too much on my plate and nowhere to properly store it. It was the only car I planned on restoring to as delivered condition. My Dart is my first old Mopar and I still have it. I had my Polara also and that was my driver, I wasn't going to give that up and have nothing to tool around in. I knew the Charger would rot too much before I could get to it, so I traded it to my roommate, who did something you don't see much, he gave the car to his dad. "Here us go pops" and that was that. He had a car to replace the 69 he ordered right before he left Vietnam. I thought that was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed during my lifetime. My roommate already had a 69 Charger and had his 69 Super Bee being restored, and he just gave the 68 to his dad. Haven't seriously looked for another car since then. I have enough on my plate and I like to keep them, not sell them.