Let's make fun of youth again today...

While it's true that every millennial isn't a basement dwelling snowflake, age does give you a longer frame of reference. I do believe there was a time when some of the things I've seen play out would not have occurred.

So this doesn't mean every person is guilty because of the time when they were raised, but it doesn't mean that trends don't exist either.
I think generalizing the "millennials" as worthless isn't right.
Agreed. I recruit talent for a living and it never ceases to amaze me when I wrap up the interview and ask the kid do to you have any questions, how may have questions about work/life balance. That is for an entry level job.
Can’t ask these in case I offend a basement dwelling single mom without a drivers license addicted to meth and has done time for theft applying for the receptionist job.

So .. did she get the job. :lol:

My kids grew up in the 70's thankfully before computers, text messages, internet and TV reality shows. I taught them to think and be resourceful and to survive without basics like running water, central heating and electricity. They all learned how to adapt. They've gotten soft over the years, but I'll bet they would survive just fine if electricity, batteries and internet disappeared, at least for a week or so. :thumbsup:.

The problem I see with the younger generation is a lack of motivation to over come problems using only their brains, they are dependent upon Google and you tube solutions. Heaven help them if the internet dies.:(
While it does seem like the subset of people who can physically do things is getting smaller and smaller, let's face it. If you take a cross-section of America, I think you'll find that a very large % of people across generations can't/don't really do much of anything other than sit and watch TV. And I guess, if you want to applaud millenials for something, they are doing less and less of this according to ratings. :D
My Son-inlaw is a well trained Chrysler tech who averages 200 plus hours per paycheck and really gives a damn about his work. I’d take a whole Dealership of that kind of youngster any day and kick some oldsters down the road but I haven’t figured out how to clone him yet. That said a young man drove upto the dealership one day asking if anyone knew how to tune the 68 Coronet he just bought as it was running rough. The youngsters all looked at each other and said ummm no idea sir.....so they came to me and said “we know you like old cars” so off I went to set the carb and timing on this kids 440. Asked the senior tech to bring me his timing light...he looked at me like I had 3 eyes...”A’int got no timing light...watsa timing light”? Went and got mine out of my truck and proceeded to do a clinic for 4 techs on how to setup the carb and timing...they were all interested but only because the boss was working on a car - they would likely never be asked to do the same again...in their defense I couldn’t change a crank sensor to save my life so I guess its all relative... good and bad old and young just glad ive got more of the good and Young then bad and old and vice versa
So .. did she get the job.

No I hired the 55 year old Grandma who promptly submitted a formal complaint one week into the job about the sexism spouting out of the salesguys mouths....so much for snowflakes being young...
No I hired the 55 year old Grandma who promptly submitted a formal complaint one week into the job about the sexism spouting out of the salesguys mouths....so much for snowflakes being young...
A story an old boss of mine told when "off the clock" about the proper hiring practices and how to not be charged with discrimination.

Two equally qualified people apply for a job. Both are top notch, both have equal experience and education. Same age etc. except....

One is black and one is white.. Who do you hire? The answer is the black person.

Another scenario..

One is female and one is male. Hire the female.

One is a white female and one is a black female. Hire the black female.

But what if both are female. Both have the exact same qualifications as described etc. Who do you hire?

The answer is, of course, the one with the bigger tits.
I'm sorry that you felt slighted by this thread and my/our comments. Please forgive me. You are a standout in your generation, I've met a few others as well. Unfortunately I've met some that just drove me nuts, but then there are some in my generation that drive me nuts as well. If I'm not careful I'll be wearing a white jacket soon.
Negative, the egg is the egg. 10 kids can grow up in the same house and you can have 10 different outcomes

I can agree with that to an extent, but where is the kid learning the behavior. There has to be some discipline from somewhere
They have some pretty big obstacles. Parents that cover any expense. Chase that dream, your special stuff. The biggest problem is drugs. I can't begin to tell anyone how prevalent the use is. Entirely different than it's been for some time.
My dad used to drink himself into oblivion every night with beer until he fell asleep . My mother consumed usually Vodka until she would stagger up the stairs to go to bed . My dad eventually cleaned himself up and hardly touches a brew. My mother died from it at 54. I grew up with most of my friends / acquaintances smoking pot and head banging to Maiden, Priest and Zeppelin . EVERYONE smoked heavy, To this day I have never had a drink, never had a drug, never had a cigarette ...... for example
My dad used to drink himself into oblivion every night with beer until he fell asleep . My mother consumed usually Vodka until she would stagger up the stairs to go to bed . My dad eventually cleaned himself up and hardly touches a brew. My mother died from it at 54. I grew up with most of my friends / acquaintances smoking pot and head banging to Maiden, Priest and Zeppelin . EVERYONE smoked heavy, To this day I have never had a drink, never had a drug, never had a cigarette ...... for example
Chalk one up for nature in the nature vs nurture debate. Thanks Dave.
Don't take it personal, it obviously isn't a 100% rule. Tons of X-ers like me aren't worth a sh*t either. But I will say that it feels like more and more "youth" lack any sort of pride/shame/motivation/spirit. They seem quite content to live in imaginary worlds and men seem more affected then women. I don't think this is accidental.

Now that I know from what gen you are I can now comment myself being before you. In your OP the line about hair in front of the eye made me laugh. You see I knew a lot of 15-21 year olds with hair like that in 1970. We tended to be called hippies by the older WWII generation whether we were or not. Some of us were in Vietnam, some in college, some in high school, and some in borrowing a phrase burned out druggies to name a few categories. We were hippies, we were druggies, we were never going to amount to anything as per the older crowd. Of course that was a huge over generalization of an entire generation. These guys look like they will never amount to anything. I bet the guy on the right doesn't know how to change oil & filter.

So now I am that older generation and to some extent you are too. Being in that older generation means it is time for the age old practice of complaining about the younger generation. That is what older folks do, right? However, I try to temper that tendency as I know a lot of those Millennials and have known many for 10-20 years. They span the gamut from over-achiever to goof off from PhD to no college at all. Very much like my baby boomer generation. My WWII father, a city boy, can barely change a light bulb yet I can take an engine apart having been self taught. So some Millennials will be worthless but most won't. Some can't take care of business but most will.

Anyway I, for one, am not going down the road of acting like the older guy tsk tsking a younger gen because that young whippersnapper doesn't know how to break in a horse right or repair the plow correctly.
For the most part Sebastian the crab said it right in the movie "The Little Mermaid"

On the day I went, the staff inside was 100% female. But they were all kickin' butt and got my parts request right! So my complaint is less about chain stores and more about how ill-prepared so many people are for the non-virtual world.

I've mentioned before that I'm in a position to hear complaints from residents in my community. During snowplow season, many seem to think you clear snow by highlighting 250 miles of residential streets and pressing "delete". And if their's isn't cleared first, it's off to the city FB page to complain.
In my experience, for the most part, the young ladies have been more helpful/useful when getting parts... too many of the guys just want to send you away empty handed...
VatoZone will install your battery, wipers, pull OBD codes so you can throw sensors at problems, I've even seen them changing headlights.

For laughs, I should buy a battery for my LHS and demand they install it (you have to go through the front wheelwell). If they protest, I'll say it's all I can afford (retail value $1500) and that they are discriminating against the pouhr by refusing to disassemble my car in their parking lot while I update my FB page.
Around here the chains all do that stuff, it has been a big part of Viv's training to handle her own car problems to go get them to replace her batteries when they die.
WOW! I forgot that everyone born before 1990 is perfect. I'm confused how this whole "millennials are worthless" thing even got started. Whatever.
Nothing against you, Carmine, the whole thing just pisses me off.
Don't let it bug you too much, all generations get some of that crap. Eventually the stereotypes start to fall away and folks become focused on your abilities.

I will admit, while I do see lots of promising younger folks, I see more that make me wonder "why?" than a decade ago.

My father taught me to smear Bondo enough to pass safety inspections, change oil and gap spark plugs... the limit of his knowledge. He also taught me that I could figure out almost anything if I found a book or two on the subject.

I see a disturbing number of young folks who grew up in households that didn't own a screwdriver... I like the ambition to try working with their hands, but there are also some who haven't got much figured out and are lacking the skills we taught ourselves taking stuff apart and attempting to put it back together... Doesn't mean they are hopeless, but it is a big learning curve to figure out which way to turn a screw in your 20's.
My dad used to drink himself into oblivion every night with beer until he fell asleep . My mother consumed usually Vodka until she would stagger up the stairs to go to bed . My dad eventually cleaned himself up and hardly touches a brew. My mother died from it at 54. I grew up with most of my friends / acquaintances smoking pot and head banging to Maiden, Priest and Zeppelin . EVERYONE smoked heavy, To this day I have never had a drink, never had a drug, never had a cigarette ...... for example
Thank you for the insight Dave. Proof that we are what we choose to be...
Thank you for the insight Dave. Proof that we are what we choose to be...
I believe that too. Life is about choices and decisions and there are people that will always make the worst one for themselves. I think your parents' example can influence your decisions. I know I've tried to follow my parents' positive examples and play down the negatives. I was lucky to have good parents, but I know many people that can't say the same and they have worked hard at not being like their parents.

Ultimately, it is your decision on how to live and as Dave says "The egg is the egg".

Of course, taking responsibility for your decisions is something that some eggs don't understand.... It's easier to blame everyone else for your own screw ups.