Let's make fun of youth again today...

hipster douche.jpg
In my case it was a wooden cook spoon that kept me on the straight and narrow.

my dad had a small boat oar paddle and wrapped with strapping tape...

i got that paddlin bunches of times
OK then if not 'Snowflake' how about 'Goldfish'?

Heck it was just over a decade ago that I heard/learned the word "BiPolar".

Thanks... I do use the phrase from time to time... "you can't work at subway if you cant fix a sandwich". I guess I was wrong.:D
Those are the kinda people that make me desire to move away from the city...

I deal with those yuppie pricks all day...complaining about every god damn thing in one breath and bragging about all their expensive **** in the next...

The amount I bite my tongue day to day is overwhelming....I'm just thankful that our department here at work is comprised of real tradesmen and therefore we counteract the yuppie crowd somewhat..

Side note, I think starbucks coffee tastes like $12 mud filtered through an old Fram oil filter...
. . .
Side note, I think starbucks coffee tastes like $12 mud filtered through an old Fram oil filter...

I'm standing right there with ya, Nick. I think Starbucks coffee tastes bitter and burned, and I just can't figure out what the attraction is. And I have never liked Fram filters either. . .
Those are the kinda people that make me desire to move away from the city...

I deal with those yuppie pricks all day...complaining about every god damn thing in one breath and bragging about all their expensive **** in the next...

The amount I bite my tongue day to day is overwhelming....I'm just thankful that our department here at work is comprised of real tradesmen and therefore we counteract the yuppie crowd somewhat..

Side note, I think starbucks coffee tastes like $12 mud filtered through an old Fram oil filter...

I hear it at work all day long. It's typical of the young of each generation.
Buy the first car and they think they're experts on car shopping.
Buy their first house and they're real estate experts.
Buy a lawn mower, boom they're landscaping experts.
Ya just bite your tongue cause us old guys can't possibly know anything!

And McD has better coffee than S'bucks and less snarkiness in employees.
Those are the kinda people that make me desire to move away from the city...

I deal with those yuppie pricks all day...complaining about every god damn thing in one breath and bragging about all their expensive **** in the next...

The amount I bite my tongue day to day is overwhelming....I'm just thankful that our department here at work is comprised of real tradesmen and therefore we counteract the yuppie crowd somewhat..

Side note, I think starbucks coffee tastes like $12 mud filtered through an old Fram oil filter...

I think it's ........

And McD has better coffee than S'bucks and less snarkiness in employees.

Stopped at Micky'D's for coffee rather than our regular 'bum magnet' , drive thru backed up, went inside and thought to myself, 'SWEET' I get someone to make it for me!
"May I help you", "Large coffee with cream & sugar please", "How much sugar sir?"
(screeech brakes applied on this process)
Being not too cognizant as this would be the first cup of the morning I replied "How about ENOUGH". Then she goes into x'splan'in to me how M'D's cheap with the push button sugar dispenser.
I say "An how would I know? This is the first time in six years that I have been to a McDonald's since you started getting 'Personal'. Sounds like something you would need to 'Test Drive'".

ARRRRRG! end of story massive pile of sugar on bottom, built 'prison style'.
. . . Stopped at Micky'D's for coffee rather than our regular 'bum magnet' , drive thru backed up, went inside and thought to myself, 'SWEET' I get someone to make it for me!
"May I help you", "Large coffee with cream & sugar please", "How much sugar sir?"
(screeech brakes applied on this process)
Being not too cognizant as this would be the first cup of the morning I replied "How about ENOUGH". . .
ARRRRRG! end of story massive pile of sugar on bottom, built 'prison style'.

In the early 70s, I was sent to NYC on a support contract to help a buncha Bell Labs programmers correct their IBM Job Control Language errors. I arrived early on the first day and stopped at the coffee shop on the ground floor, got in line and ordered a large coffee. The guy behind the counter says: "REGULUH?!?" I sez: "Yeah, I'll just have regular coffee - nothing special." He serves me up a large cup of coffee with cream and sugar. That is when and how I learned that everywhere in NYC "REGULUH" means: coffee with cream and sugar.
everywhere in NYC "REGULUH" means: coffee with cream and sugar.

Not just NYC pretty much the whole NE. Use to hear the cops doing the coffee roundup on the scanner. "2 regulars & 1 cream no".

+1 on DD, Think I left the McD's mumbling about how if'a there was a Dunkin Donuts near here it'duh put a hurt'in on they're coffee sales.

I mean how hard is it? I can remember doing a coffee run for the shop as a teenager down to the hole in the wall sandwich shop where only 'Tradesman' would go. I didn't even drink coffee then, but the lovely lady behind the counter would remember who I was and where I worked after the second time I was in there. Styrofoam cup > put steam'in hot coffee in > add sugar with a spoon from a large bowl > add cream, done! Got it spot on every time without scattering sugar all over the counter, been working there for eons.

Starbucks has got the worst tasting coffee of any of the drive thru choices IMO.
BTW, speaking of this cash cow industry of making coffee, how did we ever go from $0.25 cup out of a vending machine to paying someone minimum wage
(to someone who thinks it should be a $15/hr job) to make me a cup of coffee?
I don't know if millennial's realize how simple life used to be.
It's the feel good, apron life, lifestyle nowadays.
Old coffee vending machine.png
Starbuck apron.jpg
I'm not a coffee kindasewer. In fact, I try to limit myself to a few cups per week so I don't get numb to the caffeine. That started when I worked at the Chrysler AZ proving grounds. Some routes were very boooring and I needed the coffee to fend off sleep.

Now the only time I do that kind of extended driving might be to pick up a car out west or Florida. So when I NEED good coffee all I can find is the boiling dishwater served at gas stations.

The best coffee in my experience comes from illegal, hidden cabinets that look like this:

Post deleted.....

I haven't been to work in a couple of months so I don't know if the situation I had to deal with is still classified. Too bad....it was a humdinger of a situation with an unqualified snowflake making almost $50 an hour.
If I buy coffee, I like a little milk... When I have no choice, at starbucks or similar, I can't express in words the sense of frustration I feel explaining to the twit on the other side of the counter "This much milk, from a cow (holding two fingers the right amount), the rest with coffee flavored coffee." Without fail they seem to be very confused by this order and must be watched so they don't screw it up... :mad:

Most of the gas stations screwed up their coffee service here, currently wawa is the best, in PA I go to sheetz... I am disappointed by so many others that they have sour, sometimes lumpy, milk for their coffee service.