Let's make fun of youth again today...

Fo years, I have been trying to wrap my head around this problem of why most kids today are as useless as crap. I keep seeking the core problem.Who is at fault. And I keep coming back to this logic:
"These" kids were raised by the kids "we" raised.
Fo years, I have been trying to wrap my head around this problem of why most kids today are as useless as crap. I keep seeking the core problem.Who is at fault. And I keep coming back to this logic:
"These" kids were raised by the kids "we" raised.
I have been saying this for years, we created the problem. I call in the Sippy Cup Syndrome, when we started taking away responsibility, accountability and baby proofing their life, taking them to school because you are afraid they might be abducted. They were told not to talk with strangers and nobody could touch them, no longer were the neighbor parents allowed to step in, then ultimately teachers. We took away timber and bare steel play-sets so now you need a safety label to know if something might be hazardous. The positive reinforcement might work for your dog but not kids, in real life not everybody is a winner. Nobody wants to be the bad parent, no chores, buy the kid everything, nothing earned...

Of course, taking responsibility for your decisions is something that some eggs don't understand.... It's easier to blame everyone else for your own screw ups.
There is one of human kinds biggest problems... Age is not a factor in it either.

[QUOTE="MrMoparCHP, post: 539658, member: 2313" The positive reinforcement might work for your dog but not kids, in real life not everybody is a winner.
Dogs are better than people... sometimes smarter, but always more giving... People almost always seem to be looking for how much more they can take.
WOW! I forgot that everyone born before 1990 is perfect. I'm confused how this whole "millennials are worthless" thing even got started. Whatever.
Nothing against you, Carmine, the whole thing just pisses me off.

I'm right there with you, I forgot how perfect every previous generation was...

That being said, In High school I was surrounded by mostly idiots, and now I run into them on occasion and apparently things don't change..

So if anyone needs me I'll be over here being a "Worthless, entitled millennial" Who struggled to take a week off last week without calling in daily to see what was going on at work as I have never had more then 2 consecutive days off work since 2011..
I'm right there with you, I forgot how perfect every previous generation was...

That being said, In High school I was surrounded by mostly idiots, and now I run into them on occasion and apparently things don't change..

So if anyone needs me I'll be over here being a "Worthless, entitled millennial" Who struggled to take a week off last week without calling in daily to see what was going on at work as I have never had more then 2 consecutive days off work since 2011..

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH :thumbsup::steering::thumbsup:

And it should tick you off. . . Many of your compatriots were probably never given the opportunity to work along side their dad and learn how to hammer a nail, saw a 2 X 4, check and / or change oil in the family truckster or help their mom bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies (every real man should know how to do this and be able to cook at least one kind of meal too).

This right here, every bit of it, is exactly why I have been told I'm the only millennial that people don't hate. And also whoopens as a child definitely helped.
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In my case it was a wooden cook spoon that kept me on the straight and narrow.
My father's hand seemed to be made of stone. In his day, his grandmother made him break a switch off of the ROSE BUSH to be beat with. If it wasnt good enough she would break off the biggest one she could find. Long story short, he just didn't screw up because it meant death.
Just substitute millennials with hippies and i can hear grandpa sittin at his picnic table Fourth of July 1970! Commenting on a war we can’t win, price of gas, taxes yadda, yadda, yadda. Now it’s my turn at the table.
My mom could sound like Zorro with a switch!
Wooden hair brush in my family. Mom didn’t bother with the “wait till your dad gets home” line.
She wore the paint off that thing guiding five boys down the straight and narrow!
Recent US report on how the term snowflake is damaging millennials mental health...no disrespect intended to our MM’s
(Millennial Members)
Young People Don’t Want To Be Called ‘Snowflakes’ Because It Damages Their Mental Health

Its awful that im categorized with these people, a lot of people in my age group need to quit their damn whining. Also that "all natural, grass fed, rainbows and lollipops" eating food from people who are good at marketing isn't going to make you live longer.
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