logistical issues... buying that car far far away from home...


Old Jagoff with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
2 potential winners have popped up within hours of each other... after watching for several months. The white one is the clear choice for many reasons and the sell seems to be a reasonable guy. The transaction still warrants a personal inspection, but I see no reason not to buy it.

My dilemma is, how to finish the transaction and get it home. Not a dealer, so credit card transaction and the security that brings is off the table. Money is not the issue, wisely handling the transfer is. I went on faith years ago on a $2k transaction and was a nervous wreck the entire time. I could afford to take the financial hit, not really sure I would have been able to forgive myself if I was suckered. All was fine in the end, that time.

My best thought is to fly up, inspect, purchase and drive home... 24 road hours... in an old unproven car. Not a lot of room for error in that plan and I have a big work schedule conflict to work out. To fly in, purchase and ship back would give more room for error but would cost significantly more. Also I would have to arrange a pickup location that kept the car safe and available to the hauler.

Fire away with the digs and jabs... I both deserve them and can handle them. But any good thoughts... referrals to shipping services (auto transporters you have dealt with)... or financial services I haven't thought of would be appreciated.

Yes, I am trying to pull the trigger... just working on my aim.
FYI, the previous owner of my blue 71 flew into Western Washington state and drove the car home to Eastern Pa. Took him three days by himself. Obviously on a car by car basis but if I was buying a car I liked that much I wouldn't be that worried....but I'm not the nervous type

Good luck
FYI, the previous owner of my blue 71 flew into Western Washington state and drove the car home to Eastern Pa. Took him three days by himself. Obviously on a car by car basis but if I was buying a car I liked that much I wouldn't be that worried....but I'm not the nervous type

Good luck

Thanks... I am mentally capable of handling whatever happens on the road. Between parts, tools or whatever not so sure... I can pay to ship... but it doesn't add up in my mind to spend $1500+ in round trip airfare and transporter costs... it is after all a car. Jury is still out, I will be speaking to the owner again tonight. Then we will both work out whatever works for us. I have a potential ace in the hole to expedite this process. My brother's wife is from there and she has a flipper brother I have met a couple times... IDK if he's still there... but could be worth a shot.
O.K. How 'bout a starting city so I can have some Idea of distance. You can probably hire a pro if you have no Car-Bud local to check it out including the lay of the land. As for flying and driving? It's always a gamble but if you can justify the time and possible delays go for it, If not hire a transporter. I have a guy that has done several moves for me over 25 years, but wants $1.50 per mile from zip code to zip code in an enclosed trailer, and I would trust him with a Lamborghini if I had one. I'm also getting ready and have contracted to have a car that I just bough off Craigslist shipped from Anaheim, Ca. to Wilmington, N.C. for $1150.00 on an open 8 position trailer. That's 2600 miles if you want to do the math on that one. BTW, I have a brother that lives 8 miles from the car I bought that I had check it out and bank transferred him the $ to do the deal after I paypaled the seller enough to let him know I was serious. I've also flown from Detroit to Phoenix to buy a car and backed away when I got there because it had been badly represented that I'd planed on driving back to the Motor City. Picture me standing in that sellers front yard in Mesa, Az. in August for 4 hours waiting for a cab to haul me back to the airport because the seller refused to haul me back when I wouldn't buy hiz POS '68 formula S 383 4 speed fast back. And then pay for a 2nd one way fare on the next available flite home. Yeah payz your $ and yeah takez your chances. Some you win and some well, you know about the pain and the itch????? Jer
Jeezes, cantflip, you're minutes away frim Orlando International...

Yes, and have a job with a specific schedule that is going to severely limit my options as to when I can fly out Friday to attempt a weekend trip. I may pull it off, but it will be tight. I have time off scheduled in a couple weeks if the seller will hold out that long... but I am doing my best to put alternative plans together. I don't want to miss this, but I don't want to let my excitement cause me to make bad decisions.
The seller already knows he has a no haggle offer on the table if the car resembles what he described. I'm not a great negotiator and I think his price is fair. The car meets enough of my criteria, I would be a fool not to try... I will regret if it doesn't work out... but I will regret it less than I would putting my world on its ear for a 'no sale". I can walk away, I just don't want to. I started the separate thread in case anything of value to others shows up... and I'm not afraid to show my failures along with my successes.

I will provide pictures and details if this works out.
O.K. How 'bout a starting city so I can have some Idea of distance. Jer

Thanks Jer! Car would ship 55008 to 32822

Starting zip is approx... Google calls it 1622 miles... I figure if I run into trouble on the drive I can just tuck it into self storage and come back or ship later... but I would need a time window for that to not turn stupid on me. Its always a risk... its not a $400k original that I can't afford to throw a rod or spit an axle... mechanical conditions are repairable. Rust and Interior will be my biggest inspections... and I don't think I'm in trouble.

1622 x $1.50 = $2433... for that I'm driving... worth it I'm sure... but not in this case, yet. Open transport is close to $1000 on Uship and one other site I compared to. That may turn into the win, but then I would still have to work out completing the transaction... due to job obligations... about $500 round trip travel... if I hurry and book.
If I can leave work a little early, I could get there in time to legalize transaction Saturday am... but it would run tight and I would have to work out where the car gets picked up... seller's property or could I use a commercial location? still lots to decide.

I'm not a trucker, but I am sympathetic to the amount of BS it would be dealing with residential neighborhood and an unresponsive contact.
Not to hi-jack, but I have someone coming from Alabama to Jersey to purchase my 1993 Eagle Vision TSi. Says he will be here tomorrow morning, we shall see. He is going to trailer home.
Not to hi-jack, but I have someone coming from Alabama to Jersey to purchase my 1993 Eagle Vision TSi. Says he will be here tomorrow morning, we shall see. He is going to trailer home.

I hope the transaction goes smoothly. That's a big road trip too.

I have a 1/2 ton suburban and a 7k Imperial car trailer... this load over matches the suburban, so I wouldn't want to do distance or much highway with it... a short low speed trip I would chance it. Besides that would make 3200 miles for me... I just couldn't get it done in a weekend.
I suggest a personal inspection through an inspection firm - I can recommend on to you. That's cheaper than a plane ticket and then being disappointed. Then, there are plenty of auto haulers around the country - I can recommend on to you, as well.

As for money, I recommend a wire transfer from your bank to his bank. Set it up ahead of time, and if you decide to pull the trigger, have the money wired. I've done this and had zero problems. For additional security, you might want to set up an account to use one time for this. Some folks get better peace of mind that way.
Catnip, Hee Hee Hee, sorry I just can't help it. Try Coast to Coast for your shipping needz. 208-992-9297 They're domiciled in Idaho and do not go into SoCal but they do do east and south from Seattle and Gary ( our guy Wollfen) haz used them and speakz very highly of them, Jer
I tried fly and buy

I know the feeling of sitting on an airplane to fly to a town far away with no idea if you can make it home. I purchased my 1972 Fury from Alabama and I am in Minnesota. I did have the guy take the car at my cost to the local dealer and paid $300 for tune up, battery and check. When I arrived it was not running right. There was rust in the fuel lines, after new fuel filter within 10 miles. It was really hot, I say that because it was really hot. I spent 36 hours without air conditioning in a heat way trying to get a new gas tank. I was lucky the seller knew everyone in the small town and the local "Hooter" from Hooter's garage in Duke's of Hazard, knew a 1971 Newport in a yard, pulled the tank, sealed the tank and put on for me. The rear seal where the gas neck goes in still leaked because he did not have the gasket. I could only fill 1/2 way. I left Alabama at 11:00 am Tuesday and drove straight to Minnesota by 9:00 the next morning. No radio, cigar lighter did not work and cell phone battery near dead, speedometer cable began to sing a long rattle chirp sound and stopped working 1/2 way to keep me awake. I made it!
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I have done what I can for this week... its a no go. But I am working with the seller towards me going up the 21st... we have a good connection and I think he would like to sell to me... even if I am the "out of town bigger hassle guy". Waiting on more pics and his willingness to lock up with a deposit. I have the week off so if I can get it done on the 21st... no fears driving her home... worst that happens is a shorter shipping distance.

We have a hopefully small titling issue that might clear up with a few phone calls. I'm going to work on that tomorrow... I wont go interstate until its insured and in my name. Thanks for all the help so far, and I might be asking for some of that coming up too.
What state is the Imperial in? Do the tags stay with the person, or the car in their state? If they stay with the car (like TX, OK, CA, others), you can drive it home with that tag (or tags) with zero problems. If that tag stays with the person (CO, NV, MT, others), sometimes that owner insists on keeping their tag(s) and not allow the vehicle to go away with them; necessitating your need to have either a plate ready from your state, or a temp registration from his state OR your state, allowing the car to be driven. DO NOT simply stick a set of plates on off another car and assume or think no one will notice!!! You get pulled over, get in an accident or break down somewhere, you are in 14 different kinds of ****!!! Guaranteed!

Plus if their state and your state are title-required states, and he can't get the title issue resolved, walk away!!!
What state is the Imperial in? Do the tags stay with the person, or the car in their state? If they stay with the car (like TX, OK, CA, others), you can drive it home with that tag (or tags) with zero problems. If that tag stays with the person (CO, NV, MT, others), sometimes that owner insists on keeping their tag(s) and not allow the vehicle to go away with them; necessitating your need to have either a plate ready from your state, or a temp registration from his state OR your state, allowing the car to be driven. DO NOT simply stick a set of plates on off another car and assume or think no one will notice!!! You get pulled over, get in an accident or break down somewhere, you are in 14 different kinds of ****!!! Guaranteed!

Plus if their state and your state are title-required states, and he can't get the title issue resolved, walk away!!!

Thanks... I know better than to drive until its made right... and working on the state thing tomorrow. This is what decided this weekend was a no go... and really wasn't convenient to meet me close to the airport for him. A rental car leaves me with 2 cars and 1 me... more planning required.
That is good. I never touch anything that doesn't have the proper paperwork these days, no matter how good the deal is...unless it's purely a parts car, never to see the road again.

I was recently trying to work a deal on a trade with a guy in West Virginia. My state has the tag stay with the car. West Virginia has the tag stay with the owner. He refused to let the tags go so I could drive it to OK, and neither WV nor OK issues 30-day paper tags on private sales; plus he said "why not just take the OK tag off your car and drive this one home?" That just pissed me off and I called the deal off. He got pissy with me, but I told him to pound sand and let it go.
I flew to Butte Montana and drove my Polara 1400 miles home virtually sight unseen.

Total cost flight/gas/room/food $500, the trip priceless!

Catnip, Hee Hee Hee, sorry I just can't help it. Try Coast to Coast for your shipping needz. 208-992-9297 They're domiciled in Idaho and do not go into SoCal but they do do east and south from Seattle and Gary ( our guy Wollfen) haz used them and speakz very highly of them, Jer
The car was picked up the day he said it would be and dropped off the day it was supposed to be, no complications and the car arrived in the condition it left the owner. So yes, a quality transporter for sure.
That is good. I never touch anything that doesn't have the proper paperwork these days, no matter how good the deal is...unless it's purely a parts car, never to see the road again.

I was recently trying to work a deal on a trade with a guy in West Virginia. My state has the tag stay with the car. West Virginia has the tag stay with the owner. He refused to let the tags go so I could drive it to OK, and neither WV nor OK issues 30-day paper tags on private sales; plus he said "why not just take the OK tag off your car and drive this one home?" That just pissed me off and I called the deal off. He got pissy with me, but I told him to pound sand and let it go.

I did a transaction with a seller in Georgia a decade ago. GA won't title to out of state people... I wound up doing the leap of faith and sent him payment and all of the forms FL DMV clerk required. He got a LEO to verify the vin and sent back all documents and title... the same clerk who gave me the documents a week before had me there for hours... I never lost my smile or reacted to the insanity... I think she hoped I would lose control while she denied the title, so she could avoid the whole thing and have me removed. the manager finally worked it all out... but it took hours.

As much as I was hoping for a more straight forward sale, I think I may have to go this route again. I don't do any financial transactions without a CC if I can help it. The CC companies provide some amount of protection and documentation. I don't intend to put the whole purchase price on the line without something to show for it, but I may have to put some skin in the game to get the car off market and get him to drag through this process. Thing is he doesn't PayPal so I would have to get him to do that or set up a bank account for a transfer or maybe even a cashiers check, just to get it all moving in the right direction.

I have a lot more information after our conversation last night. I almost had bought a plane ticket, when the issue of travelling an hour from the airport came up. A rental can't work, and I wouldn't know about the cab situation without more research. It was a bit of an acid test too, for me to do this that fast... I would definitely need him to be able to work with me in some areas. I understand he has other obligations, but for me to carve a 50-60 hour window between work and more work and travel and return (estimated 24 hr road time) the margin for error just wasn't there. I close up shop at work on the 18th and won't return until the 4th... if I fly in early on the 21st and get everything done... I have a lot of time for Murphy to do his thing to me. Now if I can just convince him to take the car off market for a bit and trouble himself enough for the documentation to work... I will have my formal.