logistical issues... buying that car far far away from home...

Can't see you in a Volvo. I try. But I cant.
Volvo says you're a company man. You are the anti-company poster boy.
Me? Yah...
Don't let buying a set of wheels from California scare you Catnip. It's nice when every fastener on the entire vehicle can be turned off with your fingerz. And if you turned it over you could use the floor pan for a dinner plate. Had I been able to deal with the original owner-seller (which I thought I waz) I'd be tooling around Wilmington with that smart a$$ grin on my face rite now. Hell, no one at the dealerships even rememberz these carz. Sales Staff wasn't even born for the most part when they were marketed! Exotic Tastez? Yup Kinda. This will be the 2nd FWD in the fleet. 1st one run mid 12'z and that fast enough for me.(You still go to jail when they catch you over 3 digits yeah know and I learned while still a teenager that you can not out run a radio. I have friendz that have these little 4 cylinder side winderz that are in the 9s and when they line up on the 1320' with most E-bodyz or B-bodyz they eat 'um for lunch, and they still get no respect. This one iz ah coupe. Not sure if the production #s are available on the Convertible to Coupe ratio on these carz but I'd expect over the yearz they were produced, '87 thru' '95 for the vertz and '87 thru' '92 for the coupes it would be somewhere around 30-40 to 1 with vertz leading the way. Their have been 3 vertz in my life over the last 50 yearz. I like 'um but they're still a PITA IMHO. That, and that where we call home now it'z 95* with the muggy meter rite up near that # too 8 months out of the 12 and I like A/C ALL the time...BTW Pix will come when the ride showz up, Jer

Jer... I've been chomping at the bit to get home and ask you about this thing. First its not the Maserati version... right? Second... and I think this only applies to the Maserati ones... as soon as you get near it again... check the master cylinder... if its the biggest chunk of aluminum crap you've ever seen with a black softball size steel ball on top... you have the recalled Bendix brake system. Not all the way bad, as they are still replacing them last I heard... safety recalls never die. Eventually they find a way to kill them. And the grand national crowd will hate me... but they sucked... the 4 banger Shelby's were the sexiest thing Mopar had until the Stealth or Viper depending on your bend on the matter. Just didn't expect that here. The convertibles kinda sucked always wanted to try to swap the mitsi 3.0 in my old 600 convertible...but never got there. I don't trust that generation turbo for longevity and I am way too cheap to buy that crap new.
Get your butt on a plane drive the car back. Now you are intimate with the car. Job, smob, tell your boss you have a life.

Easy for you rich trucker types to say... us broken down old mechanics have to play it smart or starve...10ish years ago I would hold out my phone talking to the boss in the middle of the shop and ask "do you want to see how fast I can have another job without having to listen to your ****"... did that a few times. Loved it when I got sent home... the second the car cleared the parking lot and they called "no I'm not coming back I'm drinking a beer"... there where rules about not sending me home. Now I have to pretend to be Normal and tolerate dumbasses I would have told, explained and drawn picture for... just to make sure they knew
what a dumbass they are.
The deal went to **** anyhow... he can't get a title.
I suggest a personal inspection through an inspection firm - I can recommend on to you. That's cheaper than a plane ticket and then being disappointed. Then, there are plenty of auto haulers around the country - I can recommend on to you, as well.

As for money, I recommend a wire transfer from your bank to his bank. Set it up ahead of time, and if you decide to pull the trigger, have the money wired. I've done this and had zero problems. For additional security, you might want to set up an account to use one time for this. Some folks get better peace of mind that way.

Getting into conversation late but for me the phone call is most important with seller. Is he "car knowledgable" to answer your questions (cosmetically and mechanically) Assume he is and ask for pictures to areas of concern. Great them decide on price. Perhaps there are vehicle inspectors out near this for $150-300. If any doubts on your part AND not flying out then its worth the price. Lastly if not running that will limit the transporters plus make the cost increase. The more homework you do before each of the steps, the more you will be happy to purchase it or not. A few years ago I was going to hire an inspector for a '66 Toronado. When I was happy with the answers he was giving me he got the specifics on the car. He was also a professional appraiser and did appraise this car. He remembered it and sent me a copy of the condition report of the car for FREE. The car was too rusty underneath and I passed.

Thank guys. As far as inspection goes... I have a 30 year career working in automotive repair... I am very competent and have worked with around and schooled too many inspectors, appraisers or adjusters to trust their opinion much more than the sellers. In fact amongst the "master technicians" I have worked around... I wouldn't let some of those guys tie my shoes. Lots of really good guys out there... lots of idiots too. $300-$500 would cover me for round trip, car and a room for a night... couldn't see going with someone else.

The deal has died. The seller has an open title, and apparently can get away with that there. The problem is the prior seller already had assigned the title to someone else. I will leave things where they are for the moment and let him know I still have interest if the title ever gets clear... but I would bet if it gets too screwy he winds up parting it and the body goes to the derby. Its a crying shame too... pics and description were very good.

Back to the search...
Man that does suck! Sorry to hear that you went to all that trouble and the seller wasn't aware! That's why I love Alberta...a car can change hands a bizillion times as long as Long as you have a Bill of Sale and it was registered at least once in the province - fill yer boots! Cars from other jurisdictions just need a safety inspection and you're good to go. However our new leftie nanny state overlords will probably screw that up as well. Pissed off the farmers and oil patch may as well go after car guys...
I am late to the thread.
Sorry the deal didn't work out for you.

Strange: I can get a car out of the US no matter if it has a clear title or is already signed (open) or whatever. Got cars out off NJ without title, too (just NY registration).

So from that point of view I really don't care if the title is in the sellers name.
I just care about how long he already owns the car to have an idear if he is just flipping.

Being in Germany means I do not inspect the car usually.
I do not sent any third party for inspection as I think most official inspectors don't have a clue anyway. If a good friend is close to a car I am happy to please him to check it out for me. The decision to buy (or not) is done by pics and more important the phone conversation of the buyer. If my stomach says "no" I won't buy it. In some cases if it is the ultimate car I would buy it anyway even if I feel the seller isn't honest about the description.

Are derbys guys now willing to pay 3.500$ for a car to smash??
The app has even more trucks and the real humor lies in one ad for a Volvo with a 430 HP Detroit above the exact same truck from a different dealer for,$12,000 more that's gotta sting.

I have been fishing for Volvo's with cummins N 14s in them to pick up cheap run for 6-7 months while I stretch my Pete and get rid of the stinking Rockwell rears. Then pull the engine and trans for my 94 Pete. Does anybody know if these listed rear end ratios of mid 2.something are correct, I have never heard of such weird ratios in trucks is this a Volvo thing? Anybody have insight, I've never driven one to know but they are cheap and I figure going from my Pete to a Volvo will motivate me everyday to get my truck back up and running. Then it will be parted.

Getting rid of the Cat? Say it aint so...I have never heard of 2 something rear ratios. That is really high.
I am late to the thread.
Sorry the deal didn't work out for you.

Strange: I can get a car out of the US no matter if it has a clear title or is already signed (open) or whatever. Got cars out off NJ without title, too (just NY registration).

So from that point of view I really don't care if the title is in the sellers name.
I just care about how long he already owns the car to have an idear if he is just flipping.

Being in Germany means I do not inspect the car usually.
I do not sent any third party for inspection as I think most official inspectors don't have a clue anyway. If a good friend is close to a car I am happy to please him to check it out for me. The decision to buy (or not) is done by pics and more important the phone conversation of the buyer. If my stomach says "no" I won't buy it. In some cases if it is the ultimate car I would buy it anyway even if I feel the seller isn't honest about the description.

Are derbys guys now willing to pay 3.500$ for a car to smash??

I thought the derby guys thing seemed high too... but this would be a part of the country that derbies thrive in, at least compared to where I am. He talked about a guy with a barn full of New Yorkers, 20ish, when I asked about parts. They don't care about anything but the bumpers and body for derby... so those aren't for sale... but might give up some parts.

I'm not going to give up contact entirely in case it can be turned around... even if it doesn't go my way. He still had to digest the info just like I did, so now will be interesting to see what happens. There is another car on the table, I'm not too sure about it... we will see.

The seller gave me a good vibe. He reminded me of all my old Mopar buddies when I was a very young and not so knowledgeable man. By that I mean he could probably take apart and reassemble most anything on the car, but not rebuild the assemblies or understand all of the importance of little things... brakes work... why measure them stuff. I like the guy and would rather deal with an enthusiast like him than someone trying to slick up a description. I understand the mentality that goes with the open title thing... cars are still plentiful enough for the enthusiasts to buy trade and pass around... he is in farm country so no HOA issues... you cant do too many transactions without a dealers license so nobody likes to title a car unless they are sure they want to keep it... its a state that passes the tags with the car... so it LOOKS legal when they drive it. While I was still in Pennsylvania as a teen very early 20's I knew lots of guys just like that. In PA we even knew a old man who was a notary who would "fix" an open title when another notary said no.
Man that does suck! Sorry to hear that you went to all that trouble and the seller wasn't aware! That's why I love Alberta...a car can change hands a bizillion times as long as Long as you have a Bill of Sale and it was registered at least once in the province - fill yer boots! Cars from other jurisdictions just need a safety inspection and you're good to go. However our new leftie nanny state overlords will probably screw that up as well. Pissed off the farmers and oil patch may as well go after car guys...

I have a very loose understanding of what happened/ is happening in the USA with the title thing. Its convoluted though... Back around 1996 as the US OBD2 spec cars started production, the EPA was behind a piece of legislation the would allow the federal govt to subsidize trade in values on cars that failed emissions testing. Loose interpretation of the rules was they would crush anything that failed and give a trade subsidy towards a current year new car only...thus getting old polluters off the road and out of the part supply. This legislation came up regularly but never made it into law.

2008 economy issues... Obama administration already working on new CAFE standards proposal, change this legislation from emissions standards to fuel economy standards and succeeded to create "cash for clunkers" program... the same stupid idea floating around forever for emissions.

I can't tell you all of the pieces...lawmaking is a game of "overcomplicate it until nobody sees what your hiding in there". one good sized piece of legislation is like an encyclopedia set of books to read... and they piece this crap through until they can roll it out.

Around when the cash for clunkers thing went out, they had already been putting together stuff for vehicle titling in the name of theft prevention and to stop scumbag used car industry from "washing titles". Hurricane Katrina in 2005 caused a lot of flood vehicles and afterwards according to scumbag standard practice the used car industry was full of them without "flood damage" titles. If they ran a title transfer between certain states... they could "lose" the branding and sell the car as if it never happened.

There has been pressure from the federal government on the state governments to revise their vehicle titling laws to prevent this stuff which is good. Part of that includes increased BS with "open titles" on motor vehicles. They are tougher in most places than they used to be, but these are state law issues so it will never really be uniform. The laws are there for good reasons, but there has been an underlying influence from the tree huggers to remove old cars from the pollution picture. Something like 1% or cars make 99% of vehicle emissions, which includes race cars classics and the annoying modified Honda with the 'Fart Can' exhaust. How many cars trailered to the drag strip still have titles... the ones that don't will get tougher to put back on the road.

Over the last 5 years that I have really paid attention due to a title problem of my own... the "lost title" services that advertised in Hemmings all went away... and lots in the state of FL did too. Recently Florida has brought back something called a "bonded title"... which may provide a way to get a title without a court order. I have noticed a few more businesses offering to help with vehicle titles advertising again too. Maybe this stuff will loosen up a little... but it was an area of focus and it did affect lots of places...
Getting rid of the Cat? Say it aint so...I have never heard of 2 something rear ratios. That is really high.

That POS Cat has been gone since the cam went out in 2011. Truck was originally a Big Cam Cummins so putting a N14 in was a no brainer. My 94, 379 was always a N14 that went boom in 2009 after 1.5 million. I found a Volvo with a N14 and a 13 SPD for $9800 which is perfect for drive a few months then pull apart to put my 379 back together. I think the rear ratio is a misprint.
That POS Cat has been gone since the cam went out in 2011. Truck was originally a Big Cam Cummins so putting a N14 in was a no brainer. My 94, 379 was always a N14 that went boom in 2009 after 1.5 million. I found a Volvo with a N14 and a 13 SPD for $9800 which is perfect for drive a few months then pull apart to put my 379 back together. I think the rear ratio is a misprint.

Dave, what kind of set up do you use to pick up an engine that big? In a shop I see a big fork truck or heavy crane... my POS HF cherry picker would get maxed out with the head on that... if it could reach.
I was using last time, my old boss's knuckle boom truck for free, but seeing as he is my old boss I might have to rent it off him or find someone else to pay and they come by and move it from one to the other. Engine is about #4500 plus trans and clutch #800-1000, your cherry picker would be flattened.
I was using last time, my old boss's knuckle boom truck for free, but seeing as he is my old boss I might have to rent it off him or find someone else to pay and they come by and move it from one to the other. Engine is about #4500 plus trans and clutch #800-1000, your cherry picker would be flattened.

I knew you were into big weight, I was just wondering how you would do that swap without a full shop... I am assuming that you don't have an outfitted building in the back yard... but hey you never know. And I never heard a truck guy talking about a clutch replacement in pleasant terms... sounds like your going to be very busy for a while once you pull the trigger on this project... good luck finding the right temp/donor truck.
Dependz what you wanna lift Catnip, and way sorry your deal fell apart. I built my own cherry picker yearz ago out of double wall 3 3/4' and 4' square iron with an 8 to ram to raise the mast. Out riggerz and mast would extend 36"s in 12" incroments and the whole thing would disassemble for transport. The old 350 Cummins wouldn't even make it breath hard with the 13 over still hooked to it. Yeah might say I over engineered it, lol. P.M. me and I'll shoot you my E-address if you want more information on my latest acquisition. I love this FCBO Site and the guyz on it but don't wanna get anybody crabby talkin' about little FWD turbo J-bodys here, Jer
Getting rid of the Cat? Say it aint so...I have never heard of 2 something rear ratios. That is really high.
Gotta start in Lo-Lo even when empty...
So what's next in trying to squeeze out another ⅛ of a mpg?
800 hp @ 900 rpm with .50:1.0 OD?
Thank guys. As far as inspection goes... I have a 30 year career working in automotive repair... I am very competent and have worked with around and schooled too many inspectors, appraisers or adjusters to trust their opinion much more than the sellers.

You are emotionally invested in a car purchase. The inspector is not, and can look at and evaluate a vehicle without bias. I do a lot of these for a company in Connecticut, and have been doing so since 2000.

Even with my experience, were I to go out and spend $10K on a classic car, I would have the vehicle inspected by another set of eyeballs first. A second opinion is money well-spent.
Dependz what you wanna lift Catnip, and way sorry your deal fell apart. I built my own cherry picker yearz ago out of double wall 3 3/4' and 4' square iron with an 8 to ram to raise the mast. Out riggerz and mast would extend 36"s in 12" incroments and the whole thing would disassemble for transport. The old 350 Cummins wouldn't even make it breath hard with the 13 over still hooked to it. Yeah might say I over engineered it, lol. P.M. me and I'll shoot you my E-address if you want more information on my latest acquisition. I love this FCBO Site and the guyz on it but don't wanna get anybody crabby talkin' about little FWD turbo J-bodys here, Jer

I hadn't noticed too much gripping... but your right... there's always one in every bunch. pm on its way