You are emotionally invested in a car purchase. The inspector is not, and can look at and evaluate a vehicle without bias. I do a lot of these for a company in Connecticut, and have been doing so since 2000.
Even with my experience, were I to go out and spend $10K on a classic car, I would have the vehicle inspected by another set of eyeballs first. A second opinion is money well-spent.
I appreciate your perspective on this and I would definitely recommend that service to others. I made my guidelines for myself a while ago and review how far I am willing to go as I get opportunity. I know I'm trying to operate on a shoestring budget, and still looking to get all I can for it... I have room for one car... I really want to try to make it the right one for me. Market value is all over for these cars... I understand that. the fine details of what I am willing to deal with and want to avoid is going to be for anyone else to fully understand... I am working with my skillset and experience... not the same as another buyer's better some places and worse others. If I was playing closer to $10k I would agree with you more... at that price point you get to where its a small insurance policy of sorts.
My biggest thought on this is someone like you who knows and loves these cars would have valued input... a guy who doesn't know the special details of this brand might miss something good or bad about the car.
My thanks and I wasn't trying to slam you, nobody knows everything about everything... I have learned a lot from you guys here already.