logistical issues... buying that car far far away from home...

Catnip, Hee Hee Hee, sorry I just can't help it. Try Coast to Coast for your shipping needz. 208-992-9297 They're domiciled in Idaho and do not go into SoCal but they do do east and south from Seattle and Gary ( our guy Wollfen) haz used them and speakz very highly of them, Jer

The car was picked up the day he said it would be and dropped off the day it was supposed to be, no complications and the car arrived in the condition it left the owner. So yes, a quality transporter for sure.

Thanks guys... I think I will have to take possession of this car before I arrange shipping... seems to outside the seller's comfort zone. I understand I have a busy life too... the transaction has to fit both our needs. Hopeful I can get him to inconvenience himself enough to get paperwork straight, and I can handle the rest. I know dealing with an out of state buyer is a PITA for him, I understand he has been getting good interest on the car. I hope to lock it up before he accepts an offer from someone else. I have walked away in the past if the bidding war thing starts.
Jeezes, cantflip, you're minutes away frim Orlando International...

Drive by it almost every day:poke:
If you nuked either airport MCO or ORL you would get me with the blast radius... no fancy ideas now...:poke:
Now if you could get a carrier to operate at my convenience and get my seller's stuff straight and convince my employer that I should just come and go as I please... hell it would be in the garage right now.:poke:
Retirement must be pretty good... except for the age part:poke:
I, myself would take a first look with my own eyeballs to buy any car. And trailer it back home myself.......I never trust anybody's BS about any car that is 40 years old and they said can drive it anywhere on the planet (unless I was buying the car from a FCBO member) or Matt, Jer, Chris, Stan, Dave (you get the idea) or one of many other Professional FCBO'er put eyeballs on it first.
Here'z ah fun one for you Catnip. The car I have coming from SoCal iz an '87 Chrysler LeBaron coupe, what we call "ah Cream Puff". One owner '79K miles, no rust , no leakz, not even a door ding! The clear coat isn't even fogged(garage kept) Due to the way the car came to Craigslist the paper work changed handz twice. Every thing legal, no hanky panky but I get the original California title and two sets of paper work and try to go to my DMV AND THEY DID NOT LIKE WHAT I BROUGHT THEM.The quick 'n easy:: Original owner donated the car the Orange County Breast Cancer Society(Anaheim, Ca.) My seller and his wife do volunteer work for the OCBCS so he just dropped some cash on the society to clean them out of it thinking he's doing them a favor and thinking this car will go quick to some local. Not wanting to pay sales tax and get it re-smog tested he holds the paper work just wanting to flip the car and get his cash back. A RE-SMOG TEST IS A California MUST DO every time a vehicle changes ownership. So he just hangz onto the title and transfer paper work from the OCBCS and then along comez Jer. Are we seeing a messy picture here? This thing all got started two dayz after Halloween and I think by Valentines day I might be driving my new toy and the price iz up the amount of California sales tax and the Smog test(SO FAR) Did yeah know those banditz get $60 for sticking that sniffer in the exhaust pipe?????????????? IT'Z AH GOOD THING I GOT AH FRICKIN' SENSE AH HUMOR. MY VENT FOR THE DAY, Jer
The gum'mint puts more time, effort, and resources, at documenting pieces of steel and plastic than they do at documenting refugees from Syria.
At least in Mexico, 50 bucks to the local constable makes all your paperwork nightmares go away.
I did a deal like this several years ago. I hate travelling, so I worked it into the deal where the seller would drive the car to my house and I would pay for his airfare home. Worked out great.
i'll put you in the loop later... time to make the doughnuts...
I've shipped many vehicles. You can do coast to coast cheaper than you think. I think you would be surprised. The 2 biggest problem vehicles I've shipped was a non running car out of Westly Ca & another of Washington State around Jan. The roads get impossible in the winter, in the mountains. If your car runs and you can do an open trailer, the bids drop drastically in price.
I, myself would take a first look with my own eyeballs to buy any car. And trailer it back home myself.......I never trust anybody's BS about any car that is 40 years old and they said can drive it anywhere on the planet (unless I was buying the car from a FCBO member) or Matt, Jer, Chris, Stan, Dave (you get the idea) or one of many other Professional FCBO'er put eyeballs on it first.

Thanks for the advise... I'm too stubborn to follow it. if the deal comes through... I will fly by the seat of my pants. the seller says it needs tires due to age. I'm ok with that mostly because I'm not a cheap crap tire kinda guy anyhow... it would have been on my list as soon as I wanted to drive any distance. Ford dealers do price match thing and have road force balancers... if it winds up in the Ford dealer I will get some pics.

Here'z ah fun one for you Catnip. The car I have coming from SoCal iz an '87 Chrysler LeBaron coupe, what we call "ah Cream Puff". One owner '79K miles, no rust , no leakz, not even a door ding! The clear coat isn't even fogged(garage kept) Due to the way the car came to Craigslist the paper work changed handz twice. Every thing legal, no hanky panky but I get the original California title and two sets of paper work and try to go to my DMV AND THEY DID NOT LIKE WHAT I BROUGHT THEM.The quick 'n easy:: Original owner donated the car the Orange County Breast Cancer Society(Anaheim, Ca.) My seller and his wife do volunteer work for the OCBCS so he just dropped some cash on the society to clean them out of it thinking he's doing them a favor and thinking this car will go quick to some local. Not wanting to pay sales tax and get it re-smog tested he holds the paper work just wanting to flip the car and get his cash back. A RE-SMOG TEST IS A California MUST DO every time a vehicle changes ownership. So he just hangz onto the title and transfer paper work from the OCBCS and then along comez Jer. Are we seeing a messy picture here? This thing all got started two dayz after Halloween and I think by Valentines day I might be driving my new toy and the price iz up the amount of California sales tax and the Smog test(SO FAR) Did yeah know those banditz get $60 for sticking that sniffer in the exhaust pipe?????????????? IT'Z AH GOOD THING I GOT AH FRICKIN' SENSE AH HUMOR. MY VENT FOR THE DAY, Jer

Jer... you make me never to want to deal with a CA car... 1987 LeBaron coupe?... you are a man of exotic tastes... I must see pics of the car worth pulling your own teeth over. Now I like breasts at least as much as the next guy... to flip a car over em... I cant do it man.

The gum'mint puts more time, effort, and resources, at documenting pieces of steel and plastic than they do at documenting refugees from Syria.
At least in Mexico, 50 bucks to the local constable makes all your paperwork nightmares go away.

You know "gum mint" makes them sound more appealing that they really are...

I did a deal like this several years ago. I hate travelling, so I worked it into the deal where the seller would drive the car to my house and I would pay for his airfare home. Worked out great.

that's just not going to happen this time... I had one offer and Stan is sure I cant afford it...

I've shipped many vehicles. You can do coast to coast cheaper than you think. I think you would be surprised. The 2 biggest problem vehicles I've shipped was a non running car out of Westly Ca & another of Washington State around Jan. The roads get impossible in the winter, in the mountains. If your car runs and you can do an open trailer, the bids drop drastically in price.

Shipping is off the table until I get possession... so I will already be there... final decisions will be made on the fly.

I decided not to even try the "family connection". I've met the guy a couple times and like him well enough, but he's a little too "wake and bake" for me to let him represent me. not sure if I would make him guardian of a car in my name either.

The problem with the car title is going to be looked into by the seller tomorrow. He says the derby boys are up to $3500... not going to let up, but I'm not going to bid up. I offered tack on the title fees... he didn't want a deposit... I think he wants it to go to a good home and doesn't want to be jerked around. Hopefully I will know more tomorrow night.

I'm as far as I can go with this until the other end gets straightened out, it can still happen in my time frame. I am flexible for a few weeks but I have lots of chores around the house to keep me busy so I wont be waiting by the phone either.

Thanks all
Don't let buying a set of wheels from California scare you Catnip. It's nice when every fastener on the entire vehicle can be turned off with your fingerz. And if you turned it over you could use the floor pan for a dinner plate. Had I been able to deal with the original owner-seller (which I thought I waz) I'd be tooling around Wilmington with that smart a$$ grin on my face rite now. Hell, no one at the dealerships even rememberz these carz. Sales Staff wasn't even born for the most part when they were marketed! Exotic Tastez? Yup Kinda. This will be the 2nd FWD in the fleet. 1st one run mid 12'z and that fast enough for me.(You still go to jail when they catch you over 3 digits yeah know and I learned while still a teenager that you can not out run a radio. I have friendz that have these little 4 cylinder side winderz that are in the 9s and when they line up on the 1320' with most E-bodyz or B-bodyz they eat 'um for lunch, and they still get no respect. This one iz ah coupe. Not sure if the production #s are available on the Convertible to Coupe ratio on these carz but I'd expect over the yearz they were produced, '87 thru' '95 for the vertz and '87 thru' '92 for the coupes it would be somewhere around 30-40 to 1 with vertz leading the way. Their have been 3 vertz in my life over the last 50 yearz. I like 'um but they're still a PITA IMHO. That, and that where we call home now it'z 95* with the muggy meter rite up near that # too 8 months out of the 12 and I like A/C ALL the time...BTW Pix will come when the ride showz up, Jer
Getting into conversation late but for me the phone call is most important with seller. Is he "car knowledgable" to answer your questions (cosmetically and mechanically) Assume he is and ask for pictures to areas of concern. Great them decide on price. Perhaps there are vehicle inspectors out near this for $150-300. If any doubts on your part AND not flying out then its worth the price. Lastly if not running that will limit the transporters plus make the cost increase. The more homework you do before each of the steps, the more you will be happy to purchase it or not. A few years ago I was going to hire an inspector for a '66 Toronado. When I was happy with the answers he was giving me he got the specifics on the car. He was also a professional appraiser and did appraise this car. He remembered it and sent me a copy of the condition report of the car for FREE. The car was too rusty underneath and I passed.
Get your butt on a plane drive the car back. Now you are intimate with the car. Job, smob, tell your boss you have a life.
One of the definite advantages to being an Owner Operator aye Dave? Such a satisfying feeling to tell who ever to go bag it and pull the shieldz off the door ain't it? lol

Damn straight. It will take me longer to get the placards off the doors than it does to get another lease.
The app has even more trucks and the real humor lies in one ad for a Volvo with a 430 HP Detroit above the exact same truck from a different dealer for,$12,000 more that's gotta sting.

I have been fishing for Volvo's with cummins N 14s in them to pick up cheap run for 6-7 months while I stretch my Pete and get rid of the stinking Rockwell rears. Then pull the engine and trans for my 94 Pete. Does anybody know if these listed rear end ratios of mid 2.something are correct, I have never heard of such weird ratios in trucks is this a Volvo thing? Anybody have insight, I've never driven one to know but they are cheap and I figure going from my Pete to a Volvo will motivate me everyday to get my truck back up and running. Then it will be parted.