Make up your own mind.

I get to pay like every person who works plus we have Badger care that I get to pay for also. They have better care than I do plus the hospital accepts less money for the same procedures that I get to pay full price for. All I hear is people bitching about it and no one stepping up to make it better. The insurance companies have more money than god yet we are going to pay more for the same crap and all they say that's not covered or the cost is over the average and were not paying. We pay all those congressmen and women to take care of this yet nothing seems to get done.I say fire them all and start over.
Watch the series House of Cards and you'll really hate those bastards in Washington.

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The day aftet the last Presidential election, you all pooh-poohed me when I vented my spleen out over my incredible anger.
Look at yourselves now...

Posted via Topify on Android
Obamacare has done absolutely nothing for me except raise the cost of my healthcare plan...significantly. Thanks Mr. Obama.

yes Gary your insurance company raised the cost of your healthcare but not because of Obamas healthcare but for the rise of their own profit. It was just a nice oppotunity for them
yes Gary your insurance company raised the cost of your healthcare but not because of Obamas healthcare but for the rise of their own profit. It was just a nice oppotunity for them
Yes the big bad corporation is the culprit. We hear this garbage over and over and over.
Obama stated HIMSELF, yes words out of his own mouth..... that insurance rates will increase for some people so that others can gain insurance coverage for the first time. This was also reflected in the written explanation I received in the mail from my health insurance carrier. So in other words, my rates went up...substantially...because insurance co's were forced to take on extremely high risk and previously uninsurable individuals. Where do you think the money to balance that out comes from? Trees maybe? Nope, it's taken from people like myself and others thru huge rate increases. My insurance was fine up until that socialist bozo decided to try and make it "fair". What is "fair"? There is no such thing as "fair". Life is not "fair". "Fair" is a liberal utopian dream that left/socialist are hell bent on chasing to the ruin of others....which is exactly what is happening. If 2016 got here tomorrow it wouldn't be soon enough.
Redistribution of wealth.
that insurance rates will increase for some people so that others can gain insurance coverage for the first time
Here's the problem.
The very wealthy lobby for changes that give them additional loopholes so they never feel it.
So where does all the redistribution come from? The middle class.
The wealthy make the rules and they never get hurt.

But insofar as these rising costs continue to be passed on to the average working person – while at the same time gains in economic growth continue to accrue solely to the most affluentamong us – these rising expenses will simply translate into tighter and tighter household budgets, and therefore even more inequality.
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This is redistribution from the middle out to both directions...
I've been screwed equally by insurance companies and government. The only problem with insurance companies I can't vote out their board of directors.
My plan is to someday become wealthy enough to take advantage of those loopholes and live life on my terms, and also leave something for my descendants. I know -- big plans, but I'm working on it even now.
.......... My insurance was fine up until that socialist bozo decided to try and make it "fair". What is "fair"? There is no such thing as "fair". Life is not "fair". "Fair" is a liberal utopian dream that left/socialist are hell bent on chasing to the ruin of others....which is exactly what is happening.

Now I really like that statement.....:thumbsup:
I'm not a mean guy, but I strongly believe that if you bust your rump and sweat blood/tears to make something for yourself than YOU should be able to keep it and do with it what you please without fear of someone stepping in and putting mandates on what you can and can't do based on what they think. Its not a complicated idea.
to try and make it "fair". What is "fair"? There is no such thing as "fair". Life is not "fair".

My uncle once said to me after one of my kids while standing near him said "thats not fair"...."Who the hell ever said life was fair"........ I learned a lesson that day.
My uncle once said to me after one of my kids while standing near him said "thats not fair"...."Who the hell ever said life was fair"........ I learned a lesson that day.
My dad always used to tell me relentlessly "Life is not fair, get used to it". He's absolutely right.