Old Man with a Hat
I'd like to talk with you a bit if you wouldn't mind doing me if that is ok with you.
PM sent.
I'd like to talk with you a bit if you wouldn't mind doing me if that is ok with you.
Glad your keeping us in the loop Mark. Always interesting to hear your analytical opinions. Keep in mind that medicine is a science at best. Many cures are found in ones mind.
Thanks Will......and the cure may very well be in my mind, at least I hope so. I am very analytical, and this quality is not good in dealing with this because I tend to over analyze everything - sometimes waayyyy over. I'm sure you guys may have noticed that in my tendencies involving cars.
Mark, obsessive thinking can be utilized for good things too.
Like restoring a car. If it wasn't for obsessive thinking, no one would finish a car. ☺
There's joy in it when you control where to channel it.
I let spelling drive me nuts. I don't want it to. I want to not give a **** about spelling. I need to put that time spent on driving my blood pressure up to better uses.
My Name is Zach and I must REALLY! drive him nuts lolHi Stan my name is Dave and I must drive you nutz.:gah:
You all drive me nuts. But that's my normal.
By the way, I cut off a big rig today. Felt good.
Never in a million years.Teamster??
Spending so much time in that seat I know what I can get away with even if the guy is comatose with a death wish mentalityI don't lift and I need a new front bumper.