It has been a while since I posted about Snow White. Her restoration had been on the back burner as other cars got more attention, but she is almost ready. Time, then, to post an update:
1. First is something that's been bugging me, the positive battery cable. Snow had an incorrect cable on, and I ordered a new one from Evans (see this thread) that
@71Polara383 installed this weekend. Here are the before/after photos:
2. Two weekends ago,
@71Polara383 installed the new springs (7-leaf, as correct for the A35 towing package) that I'd ordered from ESPO Springs 'n Things back in November 2021 (yep, it's been a while -- I stuffed my C-body Resto pipeline too deeply

, but we are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel

--> ESPO delivered the Springs ten days or so ago. Now they need installed, which will happen when temps go up.
One of the shackles broke during the replacement, as often happens, but Wyatt had one from a parts car and that solved the problem. Those shackles are not available new (NOS or repop) to the best of my knowledge), so my advice is to not start on this repair unless you have access to a friend with parts on his shelf. Here is a pic that Wyatt took:
Here's how the car looks like now, underneath and stance-wise
(photos courtesy @71Polara383):
3. In the picture above, taken this weekend by Wyatt, the later-style caps are still on. As you may remember, I'd been the lucky winner of a set of correct 1969-1973 center caps on eBay (that, too, was a while back: July 2001 in this case...):
Snow White has incorrect center caps on her road wheels. That issue has been solved as I won an eBay auction ending yesterday. They are not perfect, but then Snow White is meant to be driven and I think I got a fair deal.
The later-style caps will be replaced by Wyatt before Snow goes to Indy next month, where she will get her convertible top replaced by the shop that did such a great
job on Buttercup's vinyl top.
--> Should anyone need four later-style road wheel center caps, feel free to contact me via PM to ask for photos and make me an offer.
4. More importantly, Snow will get an alignment before she goes to
@david hill (who has kindly agreed to shepherd the top replacement process). Here is a photo of the front end seen from under the car, with some of the new steering and suspension components bits whose installation that I have documented before: