Eastwood has lot of good stuff. They also have the correct silver "argent" paint for wheels too.
If it's the only suitable one out there, it's the cheapest suitable one out there.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG!
Alan: I just read this thread again from the beginning. You have done some awesome work with this project.
I notice you have not started the engine yet, or did I miss that somewhere along the line? Also, when you rebuilt the engine, which cam did you use? I know you wanted the cam to be close to stock, so which one did you select ?
Whereas those have the same general look and may be functional replacements but are not identical.
If it's the only suitable one out there, it's the cheapest suitable one out there.
Wrong wrong wrong wrong WRONG!
If you need to know the specifics I can dig up the paperwork, I'm not one of those that can quote all the numbers, all that mattered to me was that it was as close to factory as we could get.
I hear ya, but I bet a bunch of us would like to know which of the many cams out there turned out out be the closest match. Again - Mucho kudos to you for this excellent restoration effort.
I'll see what I can find, I recall standing at the machine shop while my builder looked through the catalog with the machinist, they picked one that they said matched.
I would assume if you know what the original numbers are you can match that (or come close?)
If the cam you used was a Mopar cam (maybe one of the "Purple Cams"), that would be good to know. On the other hand, if it was another manufacturer, I would really like to know which one.
Again - Thanks for putting up with my questions.
Hi Alan, the wheel looks great. I agree it's not exactly like the original, they have a translucent quality to them. This is as close as you can get. Did you have the option of a smooth or pebble finish?