I gotta think it's more than a catback. You're raising all the pressures on the intake side and pushing the horsepower waaaaaaay up therefore putting a lot more strain on the internals, possibly exceeding their mechanical limits, warranty wise anyway. A catback on the other hand is merely working on the exhaust side allowing the engine to breath easier on the output side.
I could be all wet, but I would use some caution before taking that kinda leap. Very expensive up front for the kit, and even more so if you detonate the engine and they give you a ration of **** for doing something that is considered to void the warranty.
If the truck wasn't brand new and it was out of warranty I would be more inclined to play around. But you've got some serious money tied up in that thing, hate to see you endure any huge problems.
Please don't shoot the messenger, just trying to help out.