My new `67 Imperial Crown Coupe!

Excellent.....hardened seats, springs, seals and service and it'll be a nice set of heads again.
Nice and even nicer!!! That is the only silver or pewter interior I ever seen.

I'm pretty much in synch with Bob on several comments today .. I know I've never seen one on any make to date in person and only maybe 1 or 2 on B bodies on the interwebs .. and they weren't full on just inserts with black accents
In case you all were wondering, you don't have to remove the hood to pull the engine out of a '67 Imperial.





She need not be concerned, I showed her the heads when I brought them home and she's just as excited as I am!
you know I decided to pull it because I literally figured it would be faster to R&R the rear main seal with it out and not having to remove the center link to drop the pan.
I'm going to need the distraction around here big time, I think I only have a day or two left with my best friend...
Matt, that's bad. My girlfriend had dogs all her life, I never lost a dog yet, don't want to think about it, he's still fine but 13 years old now already.
I'll take all the condolences, thoughts and prayers for him and I but please nobody post up that Rainbow Bridge poem, I'm losing it every half hour or so as it is.
I haven't left the shop in 4 days.

I've met Dusenberg. A friendly gentle giant!

Actually Dusie scared the sh*t out of me the first time I met him. LOL!

I was visiting Detroit to go see the WPC Museum with Matt. I was at the front door of Matt's shop and Matt yelled "C'mon in" I walked in the front door of Matt's shop and Dusie had his bed near the front door......I didn't see Dusie until he stood up. A giant 185 lb Great Dane!!! Awww Sh*t!!!! Nice doggie, nice doggie!!!! Dusie just lumbered over and started licking me to death!!! Thank God! We were instantly best friends!!!!
He's been a great companion all these years but he was not always so welcoming. Up until recently I would not want to be the stranger that just walked in uninvited.
I wouldn't even think of going in to Matt's shop without Matt standing right there! NO WAY - PERIOD!!!!