My new `67 Imperial Crown Coupe!

I got to the bottom of my fuel issue, do not use the piece of garbage filter that Edelbrock includes with their carbs. The filter element detaches itself from the body of the filter and flucks up the flow. I cut two of them apart now and found the same thing.
The sediment in my system isn't helping either but those filters are definitely garbage.
Install one of these in line and change the cartridge every 500 miles.

You actually need a water separator in line with the ethanol levels in our **** fuel.
Need to use ethanol additive that coats surfaces to protect them, don't use one that changes the ethanol, because what does it change it into, can't be better
Royal Purple, also the one that Joe Gibbs oils sells as far as auto parts stores on shelves ??? this is something I need to look at because I just put a new fuel line front to rear and a sending unit in my Challenger and would like to protect them awhile.
I never divulge a source when I'm being totally facetious..

That's what I thought. It'll take a filter than goes down to about 1 micron. Most fuel filters are no better than about 10 microns. And this silt is way finer than that. There are 1 micron filters out there but (a) they cost the earth, and (b) they're about the size of a coffee can, so good luck trying to find somewhere to put it.
Figures. I paid the same amount that I would have paid to post on Craigslist....

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Wow, Matt. this car is very impressive. Being local, I hope to see it at a local show or woodward... Season is coming.
Thanks hemitheus! You can come see it anytime you want, just let me know.
You're right Hemitheus, the season will be here before we know it and I have a couple of things that need to get done before it gets here. Most importantly the torsion bar isolators and the rebuild of the rear suspension. I took the time yesterday and removed the isolators and it went very smoothly. I had them out in less than two hours. I expected to see the driver's side in worse shape than it is as that side of the crossmember was sagging but they both are very soft and too flexible. I'll send them off this week and hope for a quick turn around.



Working on your car in this weather indicates the presence of a shop heater <envy>.

Where do you send isolators for repair?