Old Man with a Hat
One more time:Funny thing, I don't see any reference to "almost new muscle cars" there, except from your addition..
"and never re-claimed them"he story was that the cars were from military men who went off to Nam from the Air Force base up there and never re-claimed them.
So Johnny/Mary go off to war after being drafted at 18. In those days, the draft board didn't screw around. They needed replacement bodies badly. The body bags coming back outstripped the supply going in. Not in school? You reported for your physical the week you turned 18. Gee, Johnny/Mary by 18 has a new tri-power GTO? NOT. Anyway, you just graduated from high school but you're too poor to go college to get a student deferment but you have a new GTO and you turn 18. You kiss yo'mama goodbye and leave your new GTO in their garage. You come home in a bodybag. Mama/papa are so distraught that after a few years the Goat with 3,000 mile on it goes off the this crazy old coot's junk yard. Hundreds of them.
Greg. I came from a working class neighborhood where everybody went off to Viet Nam at 18. None of us had muscle cars. Nobody. If you came home, THAT'S when you bought your muscle car. And boy, did they ever. During those post Viet Nam years, every day we heard a new story about an elderly couple who advertised a Chevrolet 2 door for sale for $500 and it turned out to be an L-88 Vette. Every day.
Please, if you weren't there, and 1/2 of you weren't even born yet, don't talk about how it's possible. Maybe it happened once or twice as opposed to the thousands of legends. Stop defending the statement to the point where it's stretched so thin you need a microscope to see it. Any muscle cars that made it to that yard were when they were simply old used wrecks totalled by the insurance company. All three of them...
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