I've been working on the floors for the past week or so. All the interior is stripped to bare metal. I still have to strip the trunk and then get busy on the patch panels. I plan to seal the patch panels with poly-urethane sealer and follow that with black Rustoleum paint. I'm not sure if I will do anything more to the floors and just let the upholstery shop apply the stuff that they normally use below the carpet. The heat gun and the scraper has been getting a workout removing all the coating material the factory sprayed on the floors. Fortunately, I won't have to fabricate many patch panels. The biggest problem was on the removable panel that allows access to the steering column for removal. I will be able to use the old panel as a model to fabricate the new one. I had purchased left and right front patch panels before I received the car and will not be using them. If anyone has a need for them, please let me know.