The one issue that I might not have made known was that there was a respray already on this car (a little darker than the original, but close), it was not the original paint, so any de-valuing was already done.
Again I have not accounted for my time as I did this between customer jobs.
Cost for a gallon of single stage urethane;
Costs for the activator, reducer, filters ect,
Plus about $50.00 in sandpaper, tape and paper.
Nope, it wasn't growing on me at all. I had hoped it would, but alas it was not to be.
Non taken, I prefer honesty over bullshit.
Under the trunk,
Under the hood,
Getting ready to spray. I like to mix what I need first so that I'm not having to mix paint in the middle of a coat.
Almost finished,
and done!
this is straight of the gun without any wet sanding or polish.
Sooooo much better than before...
more to come!