Javier, Are you going to convoy up with Jeff to Carlisle in July?
Hadn’t thought that far ahead to be honest. Sounds like fun. It will depend on my schedule. What days are we looking at?Javier, Are you going to convoy up with Jeff to Carlisle in July?
Personal moment.
I think I got this car in anticipation of the stress I knew I would be under with my business growing and all the tension surrounding my youngest daughter’s college decisions. She’s up for some great scholarships that will make her first choice possible for her. We did all the right things in anticipation for her college education. We bought here an in state college prepaid scholarship when she was born. We have planned on the income required for her room and board and travel. But she’s so damned smart she’s been accepted at some pretty good schools out of state. The cost of those for an out of state prestige school was never foreseen even with the generous merit scholarships she’s been given. We should know soon, but meantime, we are all on pins and needles.
My youngest is also very observant. Much more than I give her credit for. She said, “Dad, you always work on little things on the kitchen counter when you have a lot on your mind”
I told her that focusing on little problems make bigger ones easier to take and resolve. My wife overheard and said.... “Yes, he’s always been that way.” “I hate it” “He likes to zone out” “But that’s who I married”
I’m kind of also freaked out that we will soon be empty nesters and know that our baby’s leaving marks the close of a major chapter of our life and the beginning of another. So is my beloved wife.
I didn’t want you all to think I’m just a callous bastard in not sharing all of my little joys with them. It’s all about timing.
Quite frankly, I’m pretty sure she knows as I have not taken any pains to hide the manuals, books, parts and my time at the shop from her.
I’m hoping the important things all work out. This car really isn’t one of them. If I have to sell it to make my little girls dream happen, I will.
It’s all about timing and priorities.
Hadn’t thought that far ahead to be honest. Sounds like fun. It will depend on my schedule. What days are we looking at?
And which should I bring????? Decisions decisions.....
A lot of the regular's on FCBO will be there...
Thank you for sharing that with us... Being a "callous bastard" would probably have been OK with most of us too...Personal moment.
I think I got this car in anticipation of the stress I knew I would be under with my business growing and all the tension surrounding my youngest daughter’s college decisions. She’s up for some great scholarships that will make her first choice possible for her. We did all the right things in anticipation for her college education. We bought here an in state college prepaid scholarship when she was born. We have planned on the income required for her room and board and travel. But she’s so damned smart she’s been accepted at some pretty good schools out of state. The cost of those for an out of state prestige school was never foreseen even with the generous merit scholarships she’s been given. We should know soon, but meantime, we are all on pins and needles.
My youngest is also very observant. Much more than I give her credit for. She said, “Dad, you always work on little things on the kitchen counter when you have a lot on your mind”
I told her that focusing on little problems make bigger ones easier to take and resolve. My wife overheard and said.... “Yes, he’s always been that way.” “I hate it” “He likes to zone out” “But that’s who I married”
I’m kind of also freaked out that we will soon be empty nesters and know that our baby’s leaving marks the close of a major chapter of our life and the beginning of another. So is my beloved wife.
I didn’t want you all to think I’m just a callous bastard in not sharing all of my little joys with them. It’s all about timing.
Quite frankly, I’m pretty sure she knows as I have not taken any pains to hide the manuals, books, parts and my time at the shop from her.
I’m hoping the important things all work out. This car really isn’t one of them. If I have to sell it to make my little girls dream happen, I will.
It’s all about timing and priorities.
Javier, Are you going to convoy up with Jeff to Carlisle in July?
Thank you for sharing that with us... Being a "callous bastard" would probably have been OK with most of us too..., But it is better that you're human and love your family.
I'd love to see you there... actually would be more convenient than driving to Miami to see your car. I'm taking the Auto Train up early though... If you decide to go, I would strongly recommend that you consider it. Sanford, FL to Lorton, VA... overnight travel, so get a roomette and you can relax on the trip and arrive rested.
I figured the train was close enough to a break even situation between gas and a night's stay on the road... but if you sign up for the rewards CC through BOA, they have one that offers 20,000 points upon sign up... and that would cover most of the trip. @Ripinator turned me onto this, but he's apparently younger and in better shape than I am... so he travels in the cheap seats .
Carlisle is wonderful, but be prepared... you will likely walk a lot more than you think with all the cars and a huge swap (a very good one). I generally change my shoes and socks about halfway through the day just to keep my feet a little happier. There are a couple of threads with hotel recommendations, and might be some that appeal that you can still get into.
After all that, you don't sound 100% confident...and I tested the AutoTemp II.... still working for now
Being a bit of an ***. Sarcasm.After all that, you don't sound 100% confident...