You are the first person that is more stubborn than my wife.
Or my cat for that matter.
You think????
Yeah, I guess I am. And, yeah.... I could rip out the whole lean burn contraption out and put in a Mopar electronic ignition with conventional vacuum advance in an afternoon. But what’s the fun in that? .......
And then..... only to find the exhaust heat riser is stuck and been causing all my problems. Or a plugged catalytic converter putting up too much back pressure. Or an intake manifold leak or some other wierd never seen before issue. (Though I doubt it).
Or something else that swapping out parts will not cure or necessarily reveal.
If the system is working correctly, it should run perfectly. That it does not is telling me I have other issues I need to address first...... Before I dig into it and start changing things and not solving the actual problem. And start and keep to the simple things first.
For example: I bought my daughter the cutest Mini Cooper countryman green with a saddle interior that she herself found. She wanted it and what was a dad to do? She gets great grades is heading to college and never asks for anything. One problem.... it ran like ****.
In the trunk was a set of used original coil packs and some injector cleaner. Ok.... that helps narrow it down. Took the Mini to the shop and on a lift, found a bunch of little ****, sorted the ignition but is still ran like ****. Number one misfire and multiple misfire codes any time I gave it gas. Service records showed it to be well maintained by an older gentleman since new. This current seller was a flipper. Took a gamble and bought my little girl her car knowing I might need to drop at least a head or possibly an engine into it. Bought it right for an ‘07 at $3250... the expensive part, the body, trim and paint were like brand new.
After about a day of ******* with it at the shop I figured it was either the catalytic or a badly worn and sticking valve. Car had 100k miles but would idle smooth with no issues all day long.
Gave up and took it to my local mini dealer where I knew some people from my BMW ownership days. They knew the car as it had been in there for diagnosis of the same problem. Turns out they thought it was a head. I told them I would leave them the car but we had to play by my rules... they agreed. First take the intake off and report... second pull the exhaust manifold and report...
they did the first...
then they did the second...
Bad intake valve stem seal on number one
New seals and $1500 later... been almost a year and she runs perfect.
Happy daughter, happy Stubborn dad.