New to me 78 NYB on its way but please Don't tell my wife

You're making all this up.
Who are you really???
I toss a NOS NIB Lean Burn computer in the trash and you buy them.
WhoTF would actually find filters in Kazakhstan, a country with no computers and where a wife comes with 5 goats.

I am Javier Salman.... a 55 year old architect with a wife and two beautiful girls he dotes on and who’s hobbies include cars with obsolete cutting edge antique technology......

I am Spartacus
Meanwhile, as it was raining to beat the band all weekend, I decided to invest some time in sorting some parts that I had over at the shop. I got some 6 storage boxes full of parts left over from the restoration of the Citroën SM I finished a little over 1-1/2 years ago. Not to mention misc hardware and tools that were visiting that needed to be folded back into the overall collection.

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It cleared for about 30 minutes... long enough for a quick job on the Citroën. Lost a bolt that holds the rubber joint for the power takeoff shaft that drives the accessories.....

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Unfortunately I did not lose it all. It sheared off and now I’m going to have to take it all apart to extract the remnants.

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This is the correct Bosch oil filter for my Citroen SM that has been NLA for over 20 years. I had an outstanding search set up for over a year to see if one would pop up. Just got a cache of 5 of them in from..... wait for it..... Kazakhstan
THIS^^^ has given away more about your personality than a full psychiatric evaluation ever could have... In fact, this was your psychiatric evaluation... now be nice to the kind fellows when they arrive to fit you with a new jacket. :lol:

:thumbsup::thumbsup: Too cool, I love the crazy stuff you get into Javier :thumbsup::thumbsup:

BTW, have we seen pics of the Citroen?
Your latest installment came at a critically important moment for me.

You see, a friend had tricked me into viewing a C-body FB page on the promise that a retired Chrysler designer had posted some never-seen concept sketches. I have yet to find them, not because I doubt my friend, but because of FB's layers of counter-intuitive navigation that hides information better than an FBI agent involved in a coup d'état. (And people complain about this site's search feature, hahahahaha!)

What I've found instead is posts looking for advice on "slammin" your C and how to dispose of torsion bars for "bags". Which aftermarket ignition system to install on an engine that's covered in moss and other unintelligent nonsense.

I forced myself to ask "why do you care"? I guess the answer was that I've either undone or rejected so many abandoned-dream shotgun hack jobs. But realistically, I'll never own/see these cars anyway. So I've decided not to care.

However, watching someone work their way through a problem is like watching an artist create. The very fact that you have flare wrenches impresses me.

The human mind at work is fascinating. This week I learned something about camshafts that I'd never considered. I'm very excited to be part of a project that I can't tell you about, lol. The best engineers probably have some level of functional autism.

It's probably the other side of that bell-curve that makes me hate questions that start with "what's the easiest way..."

Thank you Javier for these updates.
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I am Javier Salman.... a 55 year old architect with a wife and two beautiful girls he dotes on and who’s hobbies include cars with obsolete cutting edge antique technology......and who still hasnt told his wife about his new NYB mistress

I am Spartacus

fixed it fer ya...
I am Javier Salman.... a 55 year old architect with a wife and two beautiful girls he dotes on and who’s hobbies include cars with obsolete cutting edge antique technology......

I am Spartacus

No. I am Spartacus. . .
What the hell are you getting from Kazakhstan? They have a stash of Lean Burn control units? :poke:
I am getting a kick out of you guys talking back and forth about that Lean Burn System. I bought a 1978 Chrysler LeBaron with the Lean Burn on it. It always ran rough, fouled the plugs within 10,000 miles, died and wouldn't start until it had cooled off again, lacked power and burned gas like crazy. One day my father-in-law, who was a great shade tree mechanic - and one of my brother-in-laws, who was a computer technician from the private sector who worked for the government on one of their local bases fixing their computers - got under the hood with me to figure out what was going on. We soon discover the choke was set so heavy it never really fully went off. We fixed that and it helped but still had problems. Finally my computer-whiz brother-in-law figured out a way of testing the computer (boy did your picture bring back memories). I don't remember the details but it somehow involved running a wire from one point on the computer, bypassing some stuff to hook up somewhere else on the back of the computer and then reading if there was any juice going through the wire. The idea, if I remember correctly, was that if the computer wasn't working, there would be no juice and the meter would stay dead. It did. I took it back to the dealer the next week and told them what we did and that we needed a new computer installed under warranty. I soon got a call saying they had run their 'normal' tests on the computer and it tested out fine. I immediately went down to the shop, looked up the shop foreman and told him about the test we did. He actually realized what my brother-in-law had done, although I hadn't a clue, and ran the same test. He soon called back and said I'd be getting a new computer. (I figure it had tried to adjust for the choke for so long that it had finally given up trying)(and don't quote me on how my brother-in-law did the test because I didn't understand his computer whiz then and it was 40 years ago to boot!). From then on the car started right up and ran smooth as silk, had more power and got up to 25 miles to the gallon on the freeway doing 75 with the air conditioning running. It was an absolute joy to drive from then on and I think I almost cried when I had to trade it in for a work truck.
I am getting a kick out of you guys talking back and forth about that Lean Burn System. I bought a 1978 Chrysler LeBaron with the Lean Burn on it. It always ran rough, fouled the plugs within 10,000 miles, died and wouldn't start until it had cooled off again, lacked power and burned gas like crazy. One day my father-in-law, who was a great shade tree mechanic - and one of my brother-in-laws, who was a computer technician from the private sector who worked for the government on one of their local bases fixing their computers - got under the hood with me to figure out what was going on. We soon discover the choke was set so heavy it never really fully went off. We fixed that and it helped but still had problems. Finally my computer-whiz brother-in-law figured out a way of testing the computer (boy did your picture bring back memories). I don't remember the details but it somehow involved running a wire from one point on the computer, bypassing some stuff to hook up somewhere else on the back of the computer and then reading if there was any juice going through the wire. The idea, if I remember correctly, was that if the computer wasn't working, there would be no juice and the meter would stay dead. It did. I took it back to the dealer the next week and told them what we did and that we needed a new computer installed under warranty. I soon got a call saying they had run their 'normal' tests on the computer and it tested out fine. I immediately went down to the shop, looked up the shop foreman and told him about the test we did. He actually realized what my brother-in-law had done, although I hadn't a clue, and ran the same test. He soon called back and said I'd be getting a new computer. (I figure it had tried to adjust for the choke for so long that it had finally given up trying)(and don't quote me on how my brother-in-law did the test because I didn't understand his computer whiz then and it was 40 years ago to boot!). From then on the car started right up and ran smooth as silk, had more power and got up to 25 miles to the gallon on the freeway doing 75 with the air conditioning running. It was an absolute joy to drive from then on and I think I almost cried when I had to trade it in for a work truck.

From what I've heard..., when the lean burn works, it works well. When it doesn’t, it’s absolute ****.

Your story is inspirational and gives me further hope that my persistence will pay off.

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Was part of the control Panel of one of their nuclear power plants I guess.
Coral Gables???

Pretty nice neighborhood!
I have a cousin that lives tbere.