Old Man with a Hat
Wait, wait, wait, your car originally had cast crank and external balance. Unless the crank has changed it should still be external balance. I'm not going to question your builder, but the dampener should be the thin one if internally balanced. If this was all changed and/or it is internally balanced now the stock converter will have a large weight on it which will unbalance the engine. You will have to make sure your ducks are lined up. Internally balanced or externally balanced, if you did not knock the weight off you may have a mismatch of parts. You can easily remove the weight from stock converter by cutting the tack welds flush not into converter obviously.Oh what fun.....thanks. I didn’t notice that
I did notice no marks on the torque converter or flex plate to give up a clue as to orientation.
just looking at the stock photo above, one of the holes (bottom left) looks to be rotated to something other than the others which appear to be at 90 degrees.
Since the flex plate is out I’ll check it against the torque converter for orientation...... Before I start banging my head on the wall later.
Again.... thanks.
Line flexplate up with converter bolts while off the engine then a splash of paint on the bottom spoke of the flexplate onto the converter and they will be marked for reassembly.