New to Mopar, loving it so far.


New Member
Oct 3, 2013
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Hey all. Just recently picked up my first Mopar, a '69 Fury 2 Custom Suburban 318/auto. Had her running around for about a month, put roughly a thousand and a half miles on the clock that was set at 53k, all original. Admittedly, she's got some little issues, but what do you expect for a forty four year old ride picked up for under a grand? So far having a blast driving her when she's behaving, and even when she's not I'm somehow always enjoying the adventure of diagnosing what the latest little issue to pop up is. Will continue to daily drive as I fix her up little bit by little bit right around here in good ol' Tampa. Pics will come as soon as I can find them on my phone.

Thank ya, and here's a few pictures of her as she sits.



Welcome to the site from the Motor City!
Sweet wagon!
You got a pretty good deal. I remember riding in a similar (green) one as a kid.
Thanks to you all. Unfortunately I wasn't there for the better time in the automobile world, so just gotta make due by bringing the old and forgotten girls back. She's going to be my family car, eventually, and I'll be skipping back and forth across the country in her once all the little issues are sorted out. Shouldn't be too much longer, since I've accrued three carbs, including a solid, brand new rebuild. Just need to replace the valve seals and motor/tranny mounts, and she should be rock solid ready to go.
Someone had posted a wagon for sale near Tampa not long ago .... $900.00 I think. It looked a lot like yours.... I remember lusting after it... LOL.

If this is it I'm glad someone who appreciates it it.
:sSig_greetingsthor: ....... :welcome:

Greetings & Welcome :sSig_greetingsthor:

Nice looking wagon ,,,,,,,, Best of luck with her ,,,,,,,,,,,, :3gears:
That is the worst photoshop I have ever seen.

I would say your prescription ran out and you need to see your eye doctor, because I took that picture myself at Farmington Minnesota... Along with this one...

58 Plymouth (2).JPG

58 Plymouth (2).JPG
I'd take a car like Christine, one that fixes itself, what the hell one of these things probably going to kill my anyway might as well be a red Plymouth.
Someone had posted a wagon for sale near Tampa not long ago .... $900.00 I think. It looked a lot like yours.... I remember lusting after it... LOL.

If this is it I'm glad someone who appreciates it it.
:sSig_greetingsthor: ....... :welcome:

Thank ya, and I think it might just be the same girly. Luckily she came with a new fender extension, too. So once I get some spare time I'm going to drop the old one off, dolly a little, weld a little, and get her rolling straight as an arrow. Only rust is in the backs of the fenders, bottoms of the quarters, and the dog legs. Easy stuff.