Oddly enough, that radiator's about half the size it should be. A local mech showed me a real C-body radiator, and down low on that girl the clearance between the V-belt and the bottom hose is less than an inch. I'll get it swapped out to the fatter version it should be as soon as I can. Not a big fan of overheating when sitting in traffic. x.x;
Very cool, I lusted over the ad for it and even called a friend in St. Petes to go have a look for me, when he arrived it was sold, looks like it found a good home.
As far as the 28" I have one that looks like that (shroud does too) from a '79 Magnum, 360 car, No A/C, Trans cooler on the bottom.
Yeah, my first thought would be to leave well enough along if the set up is working....OR go ahead and change it to what you want, but make sure you keep all the original parts....down to the nuts and bolts.