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furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
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Flint Michigan
Due to not being able to easily get a hold of a black breather cap to my liking for the valve covers, I decided to sandblast and paint one I had laying around. The question is should there some type of element inside? I'm thinking of getting a foam one from the hardware and stuffing it in there. What are your thoughts?
Thanks Tom, I've got a few filters in the basement. Can't wait to see the Mrs roll her eyes at this one lol
Due to not being able to easily get a hold of a black breather cap to my liking for the valve covers, I decided to sandblast and paint one I had laying around. The question is should there some type of element inside? I'm thinking of getting a foam one from the hardware and stuffing it in there. What are your thoughts?View attachment 75205 View attachment 75206

I'm all for the 3M pads cut into circles and inserted inside. Possibly 3 to 4 layers will work to take up the space.
steel wool should never be used. any of that **** makes it into your motor and its bad news. don't be so cheap.
And I suppose when a 3M Scotch-Brite starts to deteriorate it won't bother motor in the least....... ( ? )

The later year breather caps use a steel wool/mesh type material in them....
I had one of those useless triangle style air cleaners. I cut the tip off of the foam filter and stuffed it in there. It should hold the oil and not disintegrate...
after all this been suggested, why not just go get another unit from AZ or RA?
after all this been suggested, why not just go get another unit from AZ or RA?
Can't find anything that's not chrome locally. So I sandblasted the chrome off of one I had. I appreciate the suggestions and hope no one is offended that I went another way. I like to repurpose stuff so if I've got something I can use as opposed to buying new(anybody can do that) I will. Wait a minute......Its Mr.Fixit isn't it? Not jk.... I think it turned out better than what I could buy!
Can't find anything that's not chrome locally. So I sandblasted the chrome off of one I had. I appreciate the suggestions and hope no one is offended that I went another way. I like to repurpose stuff so if I've got something I can use as opposed to buying new(anybody can do that) I will. Wait a minute......Its Mr.Fixit isn't it? Not jk.... I think it turned out better than what I could buy!View attachment 75305 View attachment 75306
No not at all.

We all do what we gotta do at the end of the day to make things like this work again

I think it's great that so many of us have the know how to accomplish what we do to keep our cars going!