No more General Lees

Amazon and others have stopped selling anything with a Rebel flag, but yet continue to sell this garbage listed below:

1) Che' Guevara shirts and Castro items
2) Nazi items
3) Louis Farrakhan/Nation of Islam items
4) Iranian and ISIS flags
5) Books by Obama, Hillary, Algore, and other purveyors of hate-speech (I'm turning their words and terminology right back at them!)

There is a dumbass Hollywood "movie critic" that wants "Gone With The Wind" BANNED!

Several "groups" in cities from Manassas, VA to Orlando, FL to NOLA are looking to get Confederate memorials removed, and even want Confederate CEMETERIES razed!

There is even talk about changing the names of several US military bases that are named after Confederate officers!!!

Seriously, people, our country has officially "jumped the shark!" What right do these activists have to DEMAND these things occur? Tell me!
Seriously, people, our country has officially "jumped the shark!" What right do these activists have to DEMAND these things occur? Tell me!

It is because hardly anyone noticed when all this started going down the slippery slope, and it has gained so much momentum that it is all but impossible to stop. Remember that we should not offend anyone, and if it offends us - well that's just too bad. B.S.
Oh, and lest I forget, I posted this over at FBBO today, directly relates to the above.

A brilliant article about how BOTH the Left in the US and ISIS want to destroy history that "offends" them...Is burning the Rebel Flag, banning its sale and representation, and the vandalism of Confederacy cemeteries and statues the same as ISIS blowing up historic sites, burning ancient documents and demolishing statues??? The answer is a simple YES! Both employ classic Fascist tactics, just like the Nazis did in and learn...
There is a country cemetery in Edgefield SC where my father and his ancestors are buried. My great great grandfather and several of his brothers are buried there. Their graves are marked with stones placed there by the Confederate Veterans; the stones indicate their regiment assignments, etc. Not a single one of these men had slaves, so when I last visited there and walked among the graves, I wondered why did these men volunteer to fight? The conclusion I came to is that they were pretty upset about the infringement on the rights of the people in their state of South Carolina by the federal government. I think this was true of the vast majority of men who fought for the Confederacy. Before our educational system became polluted by the progressive left and its revisionist agenda, the cause of the civil war was based on disagreements regarding state's rights. For me, the Stars and Bars is a symbol of pride in my heritage. Your mileage may vary. . .


I moved to Maryland in 1962 when I was 8 years old. It was there that I met my first black person. Her name was Virgie, she was in her late 50's, and ended up being a weekly house cleaner for my Mom. Why I have no idea why other than 3 kids between 4-8. It was in 1962 that I saw my first picture of some men in a white sheet via LIFE magazine. They were carrying a Confederate Flag. Virgie told me that they were bad people and apparently they were. In 1963 I saw my first picture of Gov. Wallace standing on the steps at the University of Alabama. He didn't want some black student to attend. He usually had that flag around him. So now I have two associations for the flag. The KKK who like to threaten and terrorize blacks and Gov. Wallace who is against segregation. I think it was a year later when I got US history and the Civil War where my third association was made with the flag. Slavery. So those are what I associate with that flag to this day. Oh, and that was back when the educational system was very progressive and left leaning in 1963-64.

The Southern economy was built on slavery. Take it away and everything collapses. Absolutely no way to farm the cotton without those slaves. Saying the disagreement was about states rights is very disingenuous. South Carolina wanted the freedom to keep slaves and the many in the North were against. South Carolina then said they would secede from the Union and Lincoln said no way. South Carolina said it was their right. The fact of the matter is the the underlying reason was slavery. If there was no slavery do you think South Carolina would have left the Union? Obvious answer is no.

Now as to the Southern soldiers. I suppose soldiers have never been sold a bill of goods about a fight? The men who ruled the South had wealth and slaves but no manpower. So who do they turn to but the average white male farmer. They had no slaves and so why would they fight to save someone's slaves? I sure as hell wouldn't. Yet frame it as states rights and the Federal government telling those ordinary farmers that is the reason. Well, ok now that is a different story. Actually those in power commonly did this sort of thing back then. There is no one who wanted war against Spain more than William Randolph Hurst and his newspapers despite the fact that the Maine blew herself up.

Let's take it a bit further past that time. There were a bunch of psychopaths who felt they should rule the world. It was their destiny and at the same time they could get rid of all those pesty Jews. Well one can't do that with just a few thousand true believers called Nazis. To wage war you need more than that and so into the picture the ordinary Wermacht soldier. Many could be called farmers from the boonies back then in Germany. One could say none of them belonged to the exclusive Nazi Party. Nonetheless, they ended up fighting under the Nazi Flag and paid the price for it. Most of them were as ordinary as our dog faces were. Many couldn't wait to surrender especially near the end of the war when officer oversight waned. That flag today is banned in Germany and most all think of the Nazi Party and the extermination of the Jews, Hang one of those flags on a synagog, especially one with old members, and see the reaction you get. In the end both sets of soldiers did the bidding of some powerful men with ulterior motives. Stop the presses!!!

We now have two flags with a very dubious past. In word association, when asked about what I think when I see the Nazi Flag, I think of killing Jews. When I am asked the same question about the Confederate Flag I think of slavery. That's it. Pretty basic. No amount of sanitizing, and it has been done with both, can change the original meaning of those flags to many in society.

Oh, and the other thing I remember very clearly about Maryland concerns the neighbor across the street. During my first year there we had a car pool with the mom and her kids across the street to school at St. Mark's. One day riding home she started off with some choice words about my Yankee mom from New York City. WTF! I may have been 9 but I had four Irish born great uncles and had learned some choice New Yorker and Irish epithets. She promptly stopped the car and kicked me out. When I got home late my mother wanted to know what happened as it was obvious I didn't arrive with the rest. She then went across the street to have some words. The best part for me, was her son Micky, who thought he could be smart with me. I beat the crap out of his face and that was almost the start of another Civil War. Actually he never got anywhere near me after that. Moved in June 1966.
Oh, and lest I forget, I posted this over at FBBO today, directly relates to the above.

A brilliant article about how BOTH the Left in the US and ISIS want to destroy history that "offends" them...Is burning the Rebel Flag, banning its sale and representation, and the vandalism of Confederacy cemeteries and statues the same as ISIS blowing up historic sites, burning ancient documents and demolishing statues??? The answer is a simple YES! Both employ classic Fascist tactics, just like the Nazis did in and learn...

Holy Crap! Desecrating cemeteries! When did that start? Damn, I can't find anything. Did find vandalizing better known as tagging. Doesn't get a rise out of me as I don't think a single statue in San Francisco hasn't been tagged at least once.

The flag was banned already!? Damn, I can't find any government, local, state or federal, that has done so.

Burning the Rebel Flag? Interesting choice of words to describe the Confederate Flag. Well, if it is the Rebel Flag then I guess I won't sweat it. Now do something to the American Flag and I'll take your head off, so to speak. Did it once before and have no problems doing it again. I have that 38 year old flag in my closet.

In this case I do believe Breitbart is to the right of Fox and probably considered Fox too liberal. I thought this guy was dead but obviously his estate lives on and isn't about to let a money maker go down the drain.

By the way some prozac might work well. I have never seen the benefit of going over the top and sending ones BP up into the clouds. I much rather be passionate about my life in how to enjoy it and what I can get done in it. Anything that detracts from that and has the potential to shorten it needs to be muted.

By the way anyone care to explain the picture below with someone waving the flag at Selma marchers in 1965? Is he proclaiming state's rights or simply taunting blacks?

No offense but the entirety of the us economy was built on slavery in those days. People seem to ignore that fact both the north and the South had slaves.

As to a-holes adopting the battle flag as their symbol they also fly the American flag with pride. Should that also be banned too?
So. . . Is it your position that all those southern men, who had no slaves, fought in the civil war because they were so stupid that they bought a bill of goods from slave owners ? And that slavery was the ONLY issue regarding that war ? Looks like the progressive liberal education you received has done a good job of revising history and feeding it to you. And you talk about being disingenuous. . .
Sooo once all the battle flags are removed, are they expecting the hatred and racism to stop? What will they blame it on then? Good lord they should make Extraordinary popular delusions a mandatory read in high schools.
By the way anyone care to explain the picture below with someone waving the flag at Selma marchers in 1965? Is he proclaiming state's rights or simply taunting blacks?
Attached Images

I'm guessing that he watched the news reports of race riots happening all over the northern integrated states at that time and he didn't want it happening in the south. So, yeah, probably a state's rights thing. But without talking to the guy, it's difficult to say for sure.
I'm guessing that he watched the news reports of race riots happening all over the northern integrated states at that time and he didn't want it happening in the south. So, yeah, probably a state's rights thing. But without talking to the guy, it's difficult to say for sure.
In the case of the photo it's a fairly safe bet that the standard of 19th century rebellion had reverted to a symbol of 20th century reactionaries. Now just watch as people get fed up with their rights being trampled on it will once again become a symbol rebellion.
This is why this forum is great. We went from wal-mart and others not selling toys and lunch boxes with a symbol on them to reviewing the constitution. Then onto defining party lines, dissecting mid nineteenth century economics which I'm not sure any of us understand since the industrial revolution changed so much the way business is based. Did a drive by on Nazi Germany (nobody sticking up for that, dies quickly), now we are coming back around wondering wtf was the original subject and restarting the civil war. Bravo Peter this one is a masterpiece :sSig_goodjob:
This is why this forum is great. We went from wal-mart and others not selling toys and lunch boxes with a symbol on them to reviewing the constitution. Then onto defining party lines, dissecting mid nineteenth century economics which I'm not sure any of us understand since the industrial revolution changed so much the way business is based. Did a drive by on Nazi Germany (nobody sticking up for that, dies quickly), now we are coming back around wondering wtf was the original subject and restarting the civil war. Bravo Peter this one is a masterpiece :sSig_goodjob:

From the outside looking in, it just seemed like a bit of a knee-jerk (read cash register) reaction, hence the post.
People that say the civil war was all about slavery, need to take some serious history courses. People today can't resist forming opinions of the past based on the concept of society today. The concept of what states rights meant in the 1770's was by no means universal. There was little enthusiasm for a Federal Gov't, and people that lived in South Carolina had no Interest In, or Interaction with people in new York, or any Northern state. Their allegiance was to their state, right or wrong. It is understandable, since it took a week or so on horseback just to travel from Charleston to New York.
The lack of transportation played a huge part in the Peoples developing loyalty to their families, and Colony. Gen Lee himself opposed slavery, but stuck by his state. European Immigrants were flooding the country, and wherever they landed is the state they fought for. Germans, Irishmen, Scots, Brits, Indians, all fought on both sides. The belief in "my State, right or wrong" was alive then, too. In the beginning, the Individual states had their own distinct Uniforms, and fought as state units, as The Confederate states opposed a concept of "National Army", to the very end.(States rights above any National Government.) The Individual States even fed and supplied their State Units before the needs of the other state Units,(Alabama, Georgia, Etc)

Southern Politicians mostly considered Northerners hypocrites, as the Northern states had their own version of slavery. The North was highly industrialized, And was built on the backs of poor Immigrants that were forced to slave away in factories until they dropped for a pittance, at the age of 8 and up. Whole families, and The Immigrants were crammed into dangerous tenements, and forced to buy whatever they needed from rich Industrialists that owned the Industries. The Poor were unable to leave, and were dependent on the so-called freedom loving anti-slave Northerners. This is all documented in the congressional record from the 1820's thru 1860. This mindset created the back drop for the War. In order to calm the population after the end of the War, General Grant Insisted that the South be allowed to honor their dead in any way they saw fit, Including the flying of the Confederate flag, and prohibited any prosecution of Gen Robert E.Lee.

Until this week that was the general consensus. I am appalled at the Ignorance of the media, and the politicians that are allowing this topic to even be spoken of, considering the problems we have today. Military equipment to East Europe, ISIS< Iran, North Korea. and people sit around complaining about a 160 year old flag. Disgusting!
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This is why this forum is great. We went from wal-mart and others not selling toys and lunch boxes with a symbol on them to reviewing the constitution. Then onto defining party lines, dissecting mid nineteenth century economics which I'm not sure any of us understand since the industrial revolution changed so much the way business is based. Did a drive by on Nazi Germany (nobody sticking up for that, dies quickly), now we are coming back around wondering wtf was the original subject and restarting the civil war. Bravo Peter this one is a masterpiece :sSig_goodjob:

It would be interesting to post the same original topic on the Prius / Honda Fit forum and see where that one goes...
I deleted my way too long post, but it doesn't mean I don't feel that way. I am sick and tired of seeing our freedom of speech, personal freedoms and property rights eroded by Political Correctness forced on us by activist groups, claiming to represent certain segments of society. Once limits and restrictions are placed on free speech it is not free speech any more. Without Freedom of Speech and Property Rights we've got nothing. Contrary to what a lot of people in our society seem to believe, freedom means more than just being allowed to vote every four or five years.

That's all I'm going to say on it for now because I actually come here for the cars, like we all do. The jokes and music choices for cruisin' tunes are another reason I visit, but mainly, it's the cars and the conversations about them. It's actually an escape from all of the day to day PC crap. :)
There is no bill or law that I am aware of that is limiting your ability to fly the flag. Your jumping to conclusions that now the govt is going to make it illegal to fly the Confederate flag? The press will attack or punish a known public figure to sell newspapers or get you to tune in..... Think $$$$$. But it does not generate a bill to ban whatever is in question.
Sure wal-mart and others are doing a knee jerk reaction, but look at the coverage and free advertising they are getting, smart, moral maybe not but their name is being mentioned.