People that say the civil war was all about slavery, need to take some serious history courses. People today can't resist forming opinions of the past based on the concept of society today. The concept of what states rights meant in the 1770's was by no means universal. There was little enthusiasm for a Federal Gov't, and people that lived in South Carolina had no Interest In, or Interaction with people in new York, or any Northern state. Their allegiance was to their state, right or wrong. It is understandable, since it took a week or so on horseback just to travel from Charleston to New York.
The lack of transportation played a huge part in the Peoples developing loyalty to their families, and Colony. Gen Lee himself opposed slavery, but stuck by his state. European Immigrants were flooding the country, and wherever they landed is the state they fought for. Germans, Irishmen, scots, Brits, Indians, all fought on both sides. The belief in "my State, right or wrong" was alive then, too. In the beginning, the Individual states had their own distinct Uniforms, and fought as state units, as The Confederate states opposed a concept of "National Army", to the very end.(States rights above any National Government.) The Individual States even fed and supplied their State Units before the needs of the other state Units,(Alabama, Georgia, Etc)
Southern Politicians mostly considered Northerners hypocrites, as the Northern states had their own version of slavery. The North was highly industrialized, And was built on the backs of poor Immigrants that were forced to slave away in factories until they dropped for a pittance, at the age of 8 and up. Whole families, and The Immigrants were crammed into dangerous tenements, and forced to buy whatever they needed from rich Industrialists that owned the Industries. The Poor were unable to leave, and were dependent on the so-called freedom loving anti-slave Northerners. This is all documented in the congressional record from the 1820's thru 1860. This mindset created the back drop for the War. In order to calm the population after the end of the War, General Grant Insisted that the South be allowed to honor their dead in any way they saw fit, Including the flying of the Confederate flag, and prohibited any prosecution of Gen Robert E.Lee.
Until this week that was the general consensus. I am appalled at the Ignorance of the media, and the politicians that are allowing this topic to even be spoken of, considering the problems we have today. Military equipment to East Europe, ISIS< Iran, North Korea. and people sit around complaining about a 160 year old flag. Disgusting!
Thank you. But you omitted the fact that Gen. Sherman supported slavery and called for the extermination of Indians. Hope no whimpering "activists" find that out or our Stars and Stripes will be the next to go! And, hey, I'm of Scottish descent and I'm offended that you didn't capitalize "scots" in your post so I'm thinking you're a racist and I'm going to form a Scottish group of crybabies to attack you and hopefully take away your rights as an American! lol